Repository for analysing and plotting data from pilot experiment testing inactivation of L1 INs and L2 INs in the medial entorhinal cortex with an ultrapotent PSAM-PSEM system.
Reference to PSAM-PSEM system: Magnus CJ, Lee PH, Bonaventura J, Zemla R, Gomez JL, Ramirez MH, Hu X, Galvan A, Basu J, Michaelides M, Sternson SM. Ultrapotent chemogenetics for research and potential clinical applications. Science. 2019 Apr 12;364(6436):eaav5282. doi: 10.1126/science.aav5282. Epub 2019 Mar 14. PMID: 30872534; PMCID: PMC7252514.