Group University Project, for CS 3304 Algorithms & Data Structures, with the goal to develop a runtime software that acts as an ATM machine for a user with the use of OOP.
The broader scope of this project is to practice and showcase our understanding of Object Oriented Programming. More specifically, the use of encapsulation and base class inheritence. We aim at creating an ATM software which has the following features to both a 'Savings' and a 'Checking' account: Deposit, Widthdraw, and CheckBalance. And, the use of OOP provides layered security for the users information.
- Brian - Lead Programmer, developed class structures, and handled documentation.
- Kaeleb - Programmer, developed header & implementation files.
- Sebastian - Programmer, helped develop 'main' user interface
- C++ IDE
- Understanding of OOP concepts
Asking user to login...
Asking machine to deposit into checkings...
Asking machine to widthdraw from checkings...
asking machine to transfer money from account classes, and display balance...