This project aims to build a full-stack web application using Django full-stack web framework, HTML, Css3 and javascript.
I have built an e-commerce web application for a fictional furniture company.
My application features e-commerce functionality, payments using stripe, a blog section, user login using Facebook, a wishlist section for registered users, confirmation emails, CRUD functionality for admin to add blog posts and stock items, and an admin section, for the admin user to access database records.
For the assessor, I have included the admin login details in the comments section when submitting the project.
This website is for educational purposes and the stripe functionality is set up to accept the test card details please don't enter your personal card details.
To use the stripe function use the following details.
- card number : 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Any date
- Any CVV number.
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Website experience
- As a customer, I would like to see what the website is selling.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to navigate the website easily.
- As a customer, I would like to see some information about the company.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to contact the company.
Searching for items.
- As a customer, I would like to see all the products the company sells.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to search by category.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to search through the items.
- As a customer, I would like to sort the items by price.
- As a customer, I would like to see the product price and description.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to add products to my shopping cart.
- As a customer, I would like to be notified when I complete interactions with the site.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to edit my shopping cart.
- As a customer, I would like to be able to checkout easily.
- As a customer, I would like to receive confirmation of my order.
- As a customer, I would like to save my details to an account.
- As a customer, I would like to see my previous order details.
- As a customer, I would like to leave a review of the company.
Website owner.
- As the business owner, I would like to be able to edit and add products easily.
- As the business owner, I would like to be able to delete products.
- As the business owner, I would like to have access to an admin section.
- As the business owner, I would like my customers to be able to shop on the site easily.
I've created WireFrames using Balsamiq and have included the links to access them in pdf form.
- Phone
- Tablet
- Desktop
- User
- From Django Allauth containing the username, email, and password.
- Userprofile
- Model containing the user's details for future orders.
- Wishlist
- Contains a list of items that the user has liked.
- User
- Items
- Contains the stock information for each stock item.
- Categories
- The categoriesfor the stock items.
- Items
Customer details.
- Newsletter Subscribers
- Contains the email of users who have signed up for the newsletter.
- Messages.
- Contains the details of the messages from the contact form.
- Newsletter Subscribers
- Order
- Contains details of the customer's orders, their details, and the items they've ordered.
- Orderline item
- Items for the customer order the quantity and total.
- Order
- Post
- Contains the blog post and details of its author and title.
- Comments
- Contains the comments for each post.
- Post
Database Diagram
The database diagram shows a list of items in each object and relationships between each object.
My Colour scheme was inspired by my main hero image matching the navy background within the image to be used for the navigation and text colour.
I then pick two complementary grey colours for the main background throughout the site, alternating between them in places to clearly define sections.
Throughout the site, I used different opacities of these colours to create a softer pallet.
- Images are a key part of this site.
- All the images I have used were obtained from Unsplash.
- I've used two main hero images on the landing page to give the site a dramatic appearance upon opening.
- I then found images of furniture items and lighting items which I used to create my stock items for the e-commerce part of the site.
- I've used icons in this project for the navigation on mobile sites and the social media links in the footer.
- All icons have been obtained from Line Awsome.
Hero Section.
Interactive Nav
- The site then contains the navigation section accessed by clicking on the hamburger icon.
- The navigation is then animated to slide in from the left with a slight delay on each nav item so they slide in one after the other.
- The navigation also has an opaque background and a slight background blur to give it a modern glass feel.
New Items.
- The footer section contains the contact details for the company and the social media links.
- There is also a link to a contact us form.
- Once submitted the message will be saved in the database where the admin can see it and the user is redirected back to the home page and a message is shown to alert them their message has been sent.
Our Story Page.
All Items
Items sort.
Items Pagination
Item page.
- The item page then consists of the items details with a quantity selector and an add to cart button.
- It also has a link back to the items page so the user can continue shopping.
- If the user isn't signed up or logged in a notification at the bottom of this section is shown that lets the user know if they sign in they can create a wish list, with links to the signup or login page.
If the user is a superuser the item page will contain links to the edit page or to delete the item.
If the user selects to delete the item a modal will show to confirm this action to prevent accidental deletion.
The superuser will also have access to the stock control page to add items from the account navigation.
Add to Cart.
- The user has the option to add items to the cart from the item page.
- When the user clicks this button the item will be placed into the cart.
- The user will then be shown a message showing that the item has been placed in the cart with a list of cart items.
- The user can then view their car of checkout from this message also.
- The cart navigation item will then show a button showing the number of items in the user's cart.
Cart Page.
- The cart page then shows the users the items in their cart.
- The user can then adjust the quantity of each item, or delete the item from the cart.
- The cart also shows the total price with delivery to the user.
- If the user is happy with the cart there is a link to the checkout page
- If the user wishes to continue shopping there is a link to the items page.
Checkout page.
Order confirmation page.
- Reviews page.
From the reviews section in the user can navigate to the review page.
Here they can see a list of reviews users have left.
If they aren't logged in they will see a notification to log in or sign up to leave a review, with links to the login and signup pages.
If the user is logged in they will see a form section to leave a review.
Once the form is submitted it will appear in the reviews section.
If the current user is the author of a review they will be given the option to edit or delete the review.
The admin can also delete a review from the backend in the case someone has entered inappropriate content.
- Reviews page.
Profile page.
Add items.
- The wishlist feature is for logged in users only. On the item page, the users are asked to log in or sign up to create a wishlist, also the wishlist page will prompt them to login or signup if they aren't.
- To add an item to the wishlist the user can click on the like button on the item image from the all items page or the items page.
- Once they click on this button they will receive a message to say the item has been added to their wishlist.
- The button will then change colour to show the item is on the user's wishlist.
Wishlist page.
Edit wishlist.
View blog.
Blog add post and edit
- The testing section for this site is located at the following link.
- The application was built on the Django full-stack framework.
- For each section of the site a Django app was created.
- Each app then has a views.py, urls.py file to create the pages it needs.
- Then to create the database models a models.py file is used.
- If there are any forms needed they are then created in the forms.py file.
- Stripe has been used for the payment function of the e-commerce shop.
- Heroku was used to deploy the application.
- Amazon AWS was used to store. the static files and the image files.
- HTML5 was used to create the content and base of each page.
- CSS3 was used to then style the page and make it responsive through media queries, and interactive through using CSS transitions.
- javaScript was used throughout the website to make the site interactive.
- Python was used to build the backend functionality of the web app.
- Django was used to create the project.
- Django allauth was used to create the user sign-in function for the site.
- Django allauth Social login function was used to allow the user to sign up, or log in with Facebook.
- Django Countries was used for the countries select field in the order form.
- Django Crispy Forms were used to utilise the bootstrap form classes.
- Django Coverage was used when testing to form a testing report.
- CStripe has been used for the payment section of the site.
- Heroku was used to deploy the website.
- Amazon AWS was used to store the static files and the images for the site.
- Facebook was used for allauth social sign-up and login.
- Gunicorn was used for deploying the project to Heroku.
- I imported the Mulish font from google fonts and used it consistently across the site.
- I used different icons from Line awesome for icons in the application.
- Bootstrap 5 was used for its grid system and its form inputs and its helper classes.
- I used quick database diagrams to make a diagram of my database schema.
- Git was used as a version control in the terminal.
- Github was used to create and store the project repository.
- Gitpod was used to create my files and code the project.
- Balsamiq was used to create Wireframes for the project during the initial planning stage.
- Am I responsive was used to taking screenshots of the page at different screen sizes.
- Markdown toc was used to create my table of contents.
The project was set up on GitHub using the Code Institue Gitpod Template.
I located the template on the Code Institute GitHub page and clicked the use template button.
I then named my repository and created it.
Once the repository was created I was able to open it with Gitpod.
I could then use the terminal to create files and folders and start coding the project.
Throughout the project, I used git to add my changes to version control in GitHub.
To commit I added the file to the staging area with the
git add <filename>
git commit -m "<commit message>"
git push
Once the app was ready I deployed it to Heroku by following these steps.
Create an app on the Heroku website.
- Firstly I clicked on the new button.
- Then I clicked on the create a new app.
- I then gave my app a name and chose my current region.
- I then selected create app.
Set up Postgres Database
- In the app resources section I searched for Postgres
- I then chose to add to the project and, choosing the free plan.
- To use Postgres we need to install 2 dependencies.
- dj_database_url
- psycopg2
In Project.
I first installed the two packages needed
pip3 install dj_database_url
pip3 install psycopg2_binary
I then made sure to add them to the requirements.txt file
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Then in settings.py I imported dj_database_url
import dj_database_url
I then commented out the current database settings.
I then replaced it with the settings for the Postgres database.
DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse('DATABASE_URL') }
Get your database URL from your app config settings. (I haven't shown it above as its and environmental variable and shouldn't be shown in version control)
Once this is set up we need to migrate our models to the new database.
python3 manage.py migrate
I then used the fixtures I had to create earlier to add the stock into the new database.
python3 manage.py loaddata categories python3 manage.py loaddata stock
Once this was done I then created a superuser.
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
I then committed my changes making sure to remove my database URL beforehand so it isn't saved in version control.
I then created an if-else statement in the settings.py to use Postgres if the DATABASE_URL variable is available and if not use the default database
if "DATABASE_URL" in os.environ: DATABASES = { "default": dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } }
-The Postgres database is now ready for use.
- For our app to work we need to install Greenunicorn.
- To install
pip3 install Gunicorn
- We then need to create a Procfile to let Heroku know how to run the app.
touch Procfile
- Then in our Procfile place the following code.
web: gunicorn <app name>.wsgi:application
Heroku in the command line.
I then logged into Heroku using the terminal.
heroku login -i
Then I temporarily disabled the static files until they have been set up on Amazon Aws.
heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app <app name>
- Use the --app command if you have more than one Heroku app.
Then in settings I added Heroku into allowed hosts, and localhost so my project can still be run locally.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["<heroku app name>.herokuapp.com", "localhost"]
My changes were then committed to Github.
Then I set up pushing to Heroku
heroku git:remote -a <heroku app name>
Then we push the project to Heroku
git push heroku master
Heroku will now build your app.
Heroku Website
- I then connected my app to GitHub by opening the Deploy section.
- I then searched for my repository.
- Once found I connected and then enabled Automatic Deploys
- This now means that any changes pushed to GitHub will be automatically pushed to Heroku as well.
Amazon AWS was used to store both static files and media files.
Firstly I created an AWS account and worked through the sign-up process. Once my account was set up I was able to set my project up on AWS.
Create a bucket.
Create the bucket
- First thing was to create a new bucket on the AWS S£ service.
- From the main dashboard search for S£ and then click to get started.
- Click on the Create bucket button.
- Give the bucket a name and select your region.
- Then uncheck the block public access and acknowledge that the bucket will now be public.
- Then click create bucket.
Bucket settings.
- Properties
- Navigate to the bucket properties settings.
- Turn on static website hosting.
- In the index and error add index.html and error.html.
- Click Save.
- Permissions
- Click on the buckets Permissions tabs.
- Firstly paste in the following cors config.
[ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "Authorization" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [] } ]
- Then in the bucket policy tap, click on generate policy.
- Policy
- Select S3 bucket policy
- Add * to the principal field to select all principals
- Set the action to get object.
- Paste in your ARN which is available on the previous page.
- Click, add statement
- Then click, generate policy.
- Now copy and paste your new policy into the bucket policy.
- Add /* onto the end of the resources key
- Click Save.
- Access control list
- In the access control list tab set the list objects permission to everyone.
- Properties
Create a User.
To create a user for the bucket we need to use another Amazon service.
Back in the main dashboard search for IAM and select it.
Create a Group.
- Firstly we need to create a group to put our user in.
- Click create a new group and name it.
- Click through to the end and save the group.
- Create a policy.
- In our group click, policy and then, create policy.
- Select the JSON tab and then import managed policies.
- Search S3 and select AmazonS3FullAccess and import.
- In the resources section paste in our arn from before.
- click through to review the policy.
- Fill in name and description and then click generate policy.
- Back in your group click permission and then attach the policy.
- Find the policy you've just created and attach it.
Create the User.
- Select Users from the sidebar and then click, add user.
- Create a user name and select programmatic access then click next.
- Then select your group to add your user to.
- Click through to the end and then click create user.
- ** Make sure to now download the CSV file as it contains the users keys needed to access from our app.**
Connecting to Django
- Once our AWS has been set up we now need to connect it to Django.
- Firstly two packages are needed.
- boto 3
- Django storages
- Firstly install these packages.
pip3 install boto3 pip3 install django-storages
- Then add to our requirements.
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
- We then add storages into our installed apps in settings.py
- We then add the following settings to our settings.py
- We create an environmental variable to only run this code when on Heroku. "USE_AWS"
if "USE_AWS" in os.environ: # Bucket Config AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = '<bucket name>' AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = '<your region>' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = f'{AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com' # static and media file storage STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage' STATICFILES_LOCATION = 'static' DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage' MEDIAFILES_LOCATION = 'media' # Override static and media URLs in production STATIC_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{STATICFILES_LOCATION}/' MEDIA_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{MEDIAFILES_LOCATION}/'
- Then back in Heroku we click the settings and reveal config vars.
- Then set up the environmental variables needed.
- We then create a custom_storages.py to tell Django that in production we want to use s3 to store our static and media files.
- We Firstly need to import S3Boto3Storage.
- then we set up our new classes to tell Django where to store the files.
class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
- Once all the settings are done we can now push to GitHub and Heroku.
Add our media to AWS.
- The final step is to add our media to AWS.
- In your bucket create a new folder called media.
- Select upload and add your image files.
- Then select to grant public access.
- And then upload the files.
To set the project up locally you can follow these steps.
Download a copy of the repository from Github using the Download Zip option in the code dropdown.
Then extract the zip file to your repository.
Alternatively, you can clone it into your repository using the following command.
git clone https://github.com/BrianWhelanDublin/milestone-project-4.git
Once you have created the repository you can now download the requirements by running the following command.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You must then set up the following environment variables to use the full functionality of the site.
DANGO_SECRET_KEY = your secret key.
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = your stripe public key.
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = your stripe secret key.
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET = your stripe webhook secret.
Your stripe variables can be found on your stripe dashboard.
You can generate a Django secret key here. Django Secret Key Generator
You will then need to migrate the database models to set up your database.
- Check first
python3 manage.py makemigrations --dry-run
- Then make migrations.
python3 manage.py makemigrations
- Check the migration plan
python3 manage.py migrate --plan
- Then finally migrate
python3 manage.py migrate
- Check first
Then create your superuser to access the admin section.
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
- Following the prompts.
Once these steps have been followed you can then run the project by using the following command.
python3 manage.py runserver
- Fade + slide in nav list items one at a time
- This youtube walkthrough help me to design and animate my navigation menu. I've adapted the code to suit my site.
- Fade + slide in nav list items one at a time
- Responsive Thumbnail Slider using by Html Css Javascript
- This youtube walkthrough help me with my new items slider on the homepage.
- Responsive Thumbnail Slider using by Html Css Javascript
- I used code from the above StackOverflow article to help with sending post data using fetch in javascript.
- I used code from this stack overflow article to help with the Django CSRF validation when using fetch and post.
Removing Blue Background in forms
- I used code from the above article to remove the light blue background that chrome was putting on my forms.
- I used code from the above article to help with a bug during development with my decimal fields.
- I used the above article to help with only showing the cart items with some successful messages.
Test image input in Django forms
- I used this code to help with my Django testing of the forms image input.
- I used this article to help set up the allauth Facebook signup.
- All Text for the website was written by myself.
- Unsplash
- All images for the website were obtained from Unsplash.
Code Institute for getting me to this point
My Mentor Spencer for his help with this project.