Omar Adel Abdel Hamid Ahmed Brikaa - 20206043 - S5 -
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Bash (on Windows you can use Git Bash, cygwin or WSL)
- GNU Make
To start three clients and the server, use the following command:
make start
To attach to any of the three clients, use:
./attach <number of the client>
For example:
./attach 1
To stop, use:
make stop
Same as above but without Bash and Make
To start three clients and the server, use the following command:
docker compose up --build -d --scale ds-client=3
To view the logs:
docker compose logs -f
To attach to any of the three clients:
docker ps # note the container name or id of the target client
docker attach <client container name>
To stop:
docker compose stop
- The server is responsible for driving the communication (not just reacting to the client's requests like RMI)
- User gets to choose whether they are an admin on registration
- Description is added to the book details. It is what differentiates the books listing from the book details
borrow request status is split intoBORROWED
- Two users can chat with each other only if there is an
borrow request between them - Chatting between users is real-time when the two users have their chat opened
- "Browse through the bookstore's catalog" means list all available books for borrowing
- The following books are not available for borrowing and hence will not be shown to the browsing user:
- A book that is already borrowed
- A book that is uploaded by the browsing user
- A book that the browsing user already sent a borrow request for
- The following books are not available for borrowing and hence will not be shown to the browsing user: