Materials for the Data Network's 2019-02-28 Brownbag presentation on using R for Spatial Data
- Read the slides in the .pptx file until it mentions following the code
- Download the .R file as well as all .shp, .dbf, .shx, and .prj files into one directory
- With RStudio installed on your machine, open the .R file
- Change the working directory in lines 18 and 19 to your local directory with the files
- If you haven't used the packages in R before, call install.packages("packagenamehere") on each one
- note: you need quotes around the package name for install.packages(), but not for library()
- Follow the code!
Thanks for your interest in this Brownbag presentation by the DataNetwork. If you have any questions about this presentation, or spatial methods in general, please contact or