- Project created as legacy... some people will like to have it
- Why it created, which problems solved: easy to implement, donation button.
- Instructions how to use: copy in your project this files:
Heart.js, Heart.css
change inHeart.js
// change values below only
var sitekey = "xWNlzvozz2enW0AB9fOsKtS3AJgR0xJn";
var name = "Test";
// change values above
- Copy your HTML component snippet:
<!-- This put in header -->
<!-- copy style path start -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./Heart.css">
<!-- copy style path end -->
<!-- This put in body -->
<!-- copy class start-->
<form class="don-container" action="index.html" method="post">
<legend>Lovely Donation</legend>
<button onclick="activateMiner()" class="btn" type="button" name="button">Donate
<span id="anim-heart" class="heart pulse"></span>
<input id="load-cpu" type="range" min="1" max="10" value="7" class="slider" id="heart">
<!-- copy class end-->
<!-- This put under body -->
<!-- copy scrypt path start-->
<script src="https://authedmine.com/lib/authedmine.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./Heart.js"></script>
<!-- copy scrypt path end-->
- Frameworks : clean JavaScript, CSS, HTML
- Links: Screenshot
- What cool things I found:
- What I do not like: CSS for quick change difficult to use, next time better use mixins.
- Features: Cross platform button, accordingly standards.
- Pros : basic component
- Cons : best way implement as Vue component
- Time consumption: 1 day
- What I learned: If you for long time do not use thing - you forget how to use this.
Version: 0.2a
Date: 24.01.2018