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Discord bot for CTFs with custom functionality for team Brunnerne.


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A Discord bot that provides tools for collaboration during CTFs.

Forked from PsyBot, originally inspired by fiskebot.


BrunnerBot adds a number of slash commands for easy and effective CTF management and collaboration:


  • /ctf create <name> [ctftime] [private]: Create a new CTF
    • Creates a new CTF channel and provides access for team members
      • /invite <user>: Add a new player
      • /remove <user>: Remove a current player - players can leave manually with /leave
    • When a CTFtime link is supplied, most CTF information is automatically entered
      • Manually update info such as team credentials and Discord link with /ctf update <field> <value>
    • When private is set, team members are not automatically added to the CTF and must all be invited with /invite
    • /ctf rename <name>: Rename CTF if needed - very short names recommended to fit in channel list
  • /add <category> <name>: Create new challenge (description is entered in popup modal)
    • Creates a new channel under INCOMPLETE CHALLENGES
    • category is a selection list, create new with /category create <category>, delete with /category delete <category>
  • /note [note_type]: Create challenge note
    • Lets all team members edit the same embedded note
    • Notes can be pinned/unpinned and moved to the bottom of the chat
    • Default note_type is modal, allows edits within Discord through a modal
      • Simultaneous changes are merged with diff-match-patch
    • Use note_type:doc for an external HedgeDoc markdown note
      • NOTE: HedgeDoc has disabled anonymous demo notes, this now requires a custom instance
      • Custom HedgeDoc URL can be set with /bot set key:hedgedoc_url value:<URL>
  • /working set <status>: Set working status (/w short for /working set Working)
    • Or simply click the Set Working button in the challenge channel
    • Get an overview with /working table
  • /done [contributors]: Mark a challenge as done
    • Moves the challenge to COMPLETE CHALLENGES and sends a notification mentioning all contributors
    • Use /undone to move the challenge back if wrongly marked
  • /ctf archive: Archive a CTF
    • Unarchive if needed with /ctf unarchive
  • /ctf export: Export a CTF
    • Exports all CTF channels to JSON format, files are not currently exported
    • Both running and archived CTFs can be exported
  • /ctf delete [security]: Delete a CTF
    • Asks for CTF name as a sanity check if not input as security


  • /ctftime team [team] [year]: See a team's top 10 CTFs
    • Defaults to current year and your team
    • Set team with /bot set key:ctftime_team value:Brunnerne
  • /ctftime top [country] [year]: See the top CTFtime teams
    • Defaults to this year, globally
  • /ctftime calc <weight> <best_points> <team_points> <team_place> [team]
    • Use CTFtime's rating formula to compute points for a CTF
    • Shows how this would affect your team's total points


First, create a bot on

Invite the bot to your server with the following link, replacing CLIENT_ID with your actual id:

With docker-compose

Create a .env file with your newly created bot's token and optionally your server's guild ID:


Create backups directory:

mkdir ./backups
chown 1000:1000 ./backups

Then run docker compose up -d


Install dependencies with pip

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Install MongoDB and set it up.

Set up BOT_TOKEN and optionally GUILD_ID environment variables.

Run the Python script



The bot has a number of settings that can be modified to match your server's needs. Use /bot info to see all the current value for all settings and /bot set <key> <value> to modify these.

Only bot admins can view and change settings, this role is created when the bot is run (Team Admin by default) and set as admin_role. To change settings, you must first give yourself this bot admin role. Afterwards, the admin and team roles can optionally be set to some of your existing server roles and the auto-generated roles be deleted.


  • team_role: ID of CTF team role, auto-generated by default as @Team Member
    • By default, all users with this role get access to new CTFs, unless marked with private:True
  • admin_role: ID of CTF admin role
    • Only admins can create, archive, export, and delete CTFs, create and delete categories, and view and modify settings
  • ctfs_category: Discord category for created CTFs, default CTFS
  • incomplete_category: Discord category for incomplete challenges, default INCOMPLETE_CHALLENGES
  • complete_category: Discord category for complete challenges, default COMPLETE_CHALLENGES
  • archive_category: Discord category for archived challenges, default ARCHIVE
  • ctf_archive_category: Discord category for archived CTF main channels, default ARCHIVED CTFS
  • export_channel: Channel ID for JSON export uploads
  • enforce_categories (default True): Players must choose a category from the existing list
    • New categories can be created by team admins
    • If false, players get the selection options but can type any category they want
    • Custom categories are then automatically added to the option list
  • send_work_message (default True): Send a message in each new challenge channel with a "Set Working" button
  • use_team_role_as_acl (default False): Use team_role directly as access control for public CTFs
    • If false, a new role is instead created per CTF for fine-grained access control
      • This role is automatically given to every player with team_role for immediate access
      • New players can be invited with /invite and can manually leave with /leave or be removed by an admin with /remove
      • This makes it much easier to allow guest players or let members leave if they plan on playing with another team
    • The setting has no effect on private CTFs, a new role is always created for these
      • But all players must be manually invited, team members do not get the new role automatically
  • hedgedoc_url: URL for HedgeDoc notes, defaults to
  • ctftime_team: CTFtime team name, used by default by /ctftime commands if set


Discord bot for CTFs with custom functionality for team Brunnerne.







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  • Python 99.4%
  • Dockerfile 0.6%