Author: Bruno Perner
- To navigate next, previous from the current resource or from the given resource
- It can also show all or limited left/right and first/last siblings
- Its also possible to navigate to childs of more than one parents
Feel free to suggest ideas/improvements/bugs on GitHub:
Property - List
rowTpl | snrow | chunk for siblings |
selfTpl | snself | chunk for active row |
prevTpl | snprev | chunk for previous-link |
nextTpl | snnext | chunk for next-link |
firstTpl | snfirst | chunk for link to first resource |
lastTpl | snlast | chunk for link to last resource |
placeholderPrefix | sn. | example: [[+sn.rows]] |
id | modx-recource-id | the resourceid from where to get the siblings |
parents | false | commaseperated, get siblings from more than one parent |
showDeleted | 0 | |
showUnpublished | 0 | |
showHidden | 0 | |
sortOrder | ASC | |
sortBy | menuindex | |
limit | false |