Hi 👋 My name is Bruno Bencke! I am a computer engineer.
Java | C# | PHP | Javascript | Spring Boot | Laravel | React | Git | Genero FourJs
My name is Bruno and I am a Full-Stack developer at Tramontina. Currently I develop ERPs in React/C#/Java/FourJs Genero language and work with Postgres/IBM Informix database. I use GitLab for versioning control and Kanban and Scrum for workflow. I graduated in Computer Engineering and did my post graduation in I.T. Project Management.
Welcome to my profile.
"Whenever they ask you if you can do a job, tell them: - I certainly can! - Then get very busy and figure out how to do it." Theodore Roosevelt.
- 🌍 I'm based in Carlos Barbosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
- ✉️ You can contact me at brunobencke@live.com
- 🚀 I'm currently working on Tramontina
- 🧠 I'm learning Vue.js
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