Install package via bower.
bower install --save
Add 'maestrano.impac'
module as dependacy of your angular application.
angular.module('yourApp', ['maestrano.impac'])
Embed angular-impac's wrapper directive 'impacDashboard'
. You can use either Element or Attribute binding
<!-- or -->
<div impac-dashboard></div>
impac-angular requires that you configure it's ImpacLinkingProvider service with some core data.
Below is the API & an example:
type: Object
usage: Linking core User data into impac-angular to meet the requirements of the library, and keeping concerns seperate.
type: Function
return: Promise -> {sso_session: ssoSession, ... }
usage: Retrieving user details & sso_session key for authenticating querys to Impac! API, and displaying user data e.g name.
type: Function
return: Promise -> {organizations: [ userOrgs, ... ], currentOrgId: currentOrgId}
usage: Retrieving organizations and current organization id.
See example below:
.module('yourApp', [])
.run( (ImpacLinkingProvider, ImpacConfigProvider) ->
data =
user: ImpacConfig.getUserData
organizations: ImpacConfig.getOrganizations
[TODO: Expand on this section]
There are other provider services for dynamically configuring impac-angular on an app by app basis. For example, there is a routes provider for configuring api end-points and such. There is a theming provider for configuring chart colour themes and soon more. There is an assets provider for configuring static assets.
Easiest way to develop for impac-angular is by creating a bower link. (Essentially a sym-link, so will sync with any changes).
Steps are:
// Pointing bower to your local version of impac-angular
cd impac-angular/
bower link
cd your-project/
bower link impac-angular
// Uninstalling bower link, and pointing bower to original github path.
cd impac-angular/
bower uninstall impac-angular
bower update
HTML Templates must not use double-quotes for strings (I'm looking at you, Ruby devs). Only html attribute values may be wrapped in double qoutes.
- REASON: when gulp-angular-templatecache module works its build magic, having double quotes within double qoutes breaks the escaping.
I have found this angular style guide to be an excellent reference which outlines good ways to write angular. I try to write CoffeeScript so it compiles in line with this style guide.
- Slug style file naming, e.g
. - Prefix file basename rather than adding to filename. e.g
, orsome-file.modal.html
instead ofsome-file-modal.html
**IMPORTANT:** Widget folder and file names must be the same as the widget's category that is stored in the back-end, for example:
# widget data returned from maestrano database
widget: {
category: "invoices/aged_payables_receivables",
Component folder & file name should be: invoices-aged-payables-receivables
The goal is to be able to work on a specific component / peice of functionality and be able to quickly isolate the javascript and css without having to dig through a 1000 line + css / js file, and also preventing styles from bleeding.
Stylesheets should be kept within the components file structure, with styles concerning that component.
Only main stylesheets should be kept in the stylesheets folder, like variables.less
, global.less
, and mixins.less
, etc.
Component specific styles should be wrapped in a containing ID to prevent bleeding.
#module__component-name {
/* styles that wont bleed and are easily identifiable as only within this component */
ul {}
Template to match above:
<!-- components/component-name/component-name.tmpl.html -->
<div id="module__component-name">
<!-- html template for component -->
Running gulp less:inject
will inject @import
declarations from .less
files in components/
into impac-angular.less
Running gulp less:concat
will then concatinate all less files into a one.
Running gulp less:compile
will compile the dist less file into a dist css and min.css file. Note, you will need to uncomment an @import
of bower_components/bootstrap
in the impac-angular.less
Test should be created within service or component folders. Just be sure to mark them with a .spec extension.
To run tests, first build impac-angular with gulp build
. Then run gulp test
To run tests for production on the minified version, first build with gulp build:dist
. Then run gulp test:dist
NOTE: with gulp build:dist
you will need to uncomment the bower_components bootstrap @import
in the impac-angular.less
Copyright 2015 Maestrano Pty Ltd