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Bruno edited this page Jun 15, 2024 · 18 revisions

Boolean operations and mesh intersection

Boolean operations

Geogram has functions to compute accurate intersections between triangulated meshes. The boolean_op demo program loads two meshes, applies a boolean operation to them, and saves the result. It is used as follows:

  $ boolean_op operation=union|intersection|difference filename1 filename2 resultfilename

The corresponding functions are implemented in geogram/mesh/mesh_surface_intersection.h

Tetrahedral meshing with intersecting surfaces

The surface mesh intersection algorithm can also be used to tetrahedralize the interior of a collection of intersecting closed meshes. This operation is a bit different from the classical boolean operations, since one can optimize how to detect and discard internal boundary (in contrast with boolean operations that require a more complicated classification for all the triangles).

The figure shows (from left to right):

  • a union of mutually intersecting closed meshes
  • a cross-section, revealing many internal boundaries
  • the computed intersection, with all internal boundaries removed
  • the resulting tetrahedral mesh

The bundled vorpalite utility automatically does this pre-processing if the input mesh has intersections:

  $ vorpalite profile=tet inputfilename outputfilename

Internally, it uses the following functions:

They are called iteratively until no intersection is found. This is needed for two reasons:

  • geogram does not have (yet) a snap-rounding algorithm that ensures that the exact points snapped to double precision do not yield additional intersections.
  • tetgen sometimes moves the points and generates additional intersections

A simple intersect example program is also provided, used as follows:

  $ intersect inputmesh.obj <option1=true|false> .. <optionn=true|false>

It demonstrates several options of the MeshSurfaceIntersection class, described below:

option description default
verbose display lots of messages on
Delaunay triangulate intersected facets with Delaunay on
detect_intersecting_neighbors also test neigboring triangles for intersection on
normalize normalize coord in [0,1] before intersection on
remove_internal_shells only keep external skin of union off
dry_run (debug) do not store intersection, only compute it off
monster_threshold=nnn (debug) save facets that have more than nnn intersections off


The algorithm is implemented in MeshSurfaceIntersection::intersect(). It has the following steps:

  1. compute the list of candidate triangles, using an AABB tree. See also tutorial on AABBs
  2. compute the exact intersections between each pair of candidate triangles, see geogram/triangle_intersection.h
  3. re-triangulate the triangles that have intersections. This uses MeshInTriangle, a subclass of the Constrained 2D Delaunay class that creates the new vertices in exact precision and that uses special predicates Internally, this uses vec2E, vec3E (vectors with arbitrary-precision coordinates stored as expansion_nt), and vec2HE, vec3HE (same thing in homogeneous coordinates, which makes it possible to divide coordinates without dividing (one multiplies the homogeneous factor w instead).
  4. (optional) to implement boolean operations, triangles are sorted around non-manifold edges to indentify the formed 3D region. This is done by the RadialSort class.


Some meshes, like this one from Thingi10K have a huge number degenerate intersections.

This specific mesh is a bit special, it has dramatic modeling errors that created a 3D array of triangles intersecting in three directions, generating N^3 intersections. Although it corresponds to nothing in real life, it is a good benchmark to test the robustness of the algorithms.

The test base contains also more realistic (though challenging) cases, here, like this one with many degenerate coplanar triangles:

The co-planar regions are coherently triangulated, thanks to the uniqueness of the Delaunay triangulation. The result can be filled with tetrahedra (in yellow on the second image). The key is the implementation of the in_circle predicate, here.

The result looks horrible ! Fortunately, the algorithm can optionally detect and re-triangulate the zones with co-planar triangles, as shown in the Figure below (see MeshSurfaceIntersection::simplify_coplanar_facets())

See also...

The optional geogramplus expansion package

To gain more speed and more robustness in the extreme cases, read about GeogramPlus.

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