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EXPLORAGRAM - geometry for computational physics (Inria AeX grant) Result featured in Physics Magazine
GeO2: Geologic meshing tool by the TESSAEL company. TESSAEL is a laureate of I-Lab 2022 (highly selective french competition for innovative startups).
RINGMESH: C++ open-source platform for manipulating meshes of geological models
Geode solutions and OpenGeode: tackling next generation of modelling challenges using advanced meshing
OVITO: Open Visualization Tool for atomistic and other particle models
ALICEVISION: Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework
Tetwild,Fast Tetwild: Robust tetrahedral meshing
Salome-Voronoi Centroidal Voronoi mesher
GOODSHAPE: numerical geometric abstraction: from bits to equations ERC StG 205693, ERCIM News article
VORPALINE: next-generation 3D meshing ERC PoC 334829
ALICE Inria project team (2004-2018)
Symmetrized semi-discrete optimal transport, Agathe Herrou, Bruno Lévy, Vincent Nivoliers, Nicolas Bonneel, Julie Digne, arXiv
PAVEL: Decorative Patterns with Packed Volumetric Elements, Filippo Andrea Fanni, Fabio Pellacini, Riccardo Scateni Andrea Giachetti, ACM Transactions on Graphics
Development of a patient-specific cerebral vasculature fluid–structure-interaction model, Kevin M.Moerman, Praneeta Konduri, Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad, HenkMarquering, Aadvan der Lugt, Giulia Luraghi, Sara Bridio, Francesco Migliavacca, Jose F.Rodriguez Matas, Patrick McGarry, Journal of Biomechanics
Optimal Transport Reconstruction of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Farnik Nikakhtar, Ravi K. Sheth, Bruno Lévy and Roya Mohayaee, arXiv
Accurate Baryon Acoustic Oscillations reconstruction via semi-discrete optimal transport, Sebastian v. Hausseger, Bruno Lévy and Roya Mohayaee, Physical Review Letters
Partial Optimal Transport for a Constant-Volume Lagrangian Mesh with Free Boundaries, Bruno Lévy, Journal of Computational Physics, arXiv
Accurate Baryon Acoustic Oscillations reconstruction via semi-discrete optimal transport, Sebastian v. Hausseger, Bruno Lévy and Roya Mohayaee arXiv
Restricted Power Diagram on the GPU, Justine Basselin, Laurent Alonso, Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov, Sylvain Levebvre and Bruno Lévy Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Stable and efficient differential estimators on oriented point clouds, Thibault Lejemble, David Coeurjolly, Loic Barthe, Nicolas Mellado, [Symposium on Geometry Processing][https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cgf.14368]
A fast semi-discrete optimal transport algorithm for a unique reconstruction of the early Universe, Bruno Lévy, Roya Mohayaee and Sebastian von Hausegger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, arXiv
Fast Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild, Yixin Hu, Teseo Schneider, Bolun Wang, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo, ACM Transactions on Graphics
Bijective Projection in a Shell, Zhongsi Jiang, Teseo Schneider, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo, ACM Transactions on Graphics
Mapping the human subcortical auditory system using histology, postmortem MRI and in vivo MRI at 7T, Kevin R Sitek, Omer Faruk Gulban, Evan Calabrese, G Allan Johnson, Agustin Lage-Castellanos, Michelle Moerel, Satrajit S Ghosh, Federico De Martino, eLife magazin
Surface reconstruction by parallel and unified particle-based resampling from point clouds, Sikai Zhong, Zichun Zhong, Jing Hua, Computer Aided Geometric Design
Robust Tetrahedral Meshing in the Wild, Yixin Hu, Qingnan Zhou, Xifeng Gao, Alec Jacobson, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo, ACM Transactions on Graphics
Hex-dominant meshing: mind the gap, Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov, Maxence Reberol, Franck Ledoux and Bruno Lévy, SPM, Computer Aided Design, HAL
Notions of optimal transport theory and how to implement them on a computer, Bruno Lévy, Computer & Graphics, arXiv
Computing the Distance between Two Finite Element Solutions Defined on Different 3D Meshes on a GPU, Maxence Reberol and Bruno Lévy, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, HAL
Computing a high-dimensional euclidean embedding from an arbitrary smooth riemannian metric, Zichun Zhong, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy, Jing Hua and Xiaohu Guo, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Meshless voronoi on the GPU, Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov, Sylvain Lefebvre, Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Improving regularity of the centroidal voronoi tessellation, Yifan Man, Zeyu Shen, Dawar Khan, Dong-Ming Yan, ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Posters
Field-Aligned and Lattice-Guided Tetrahedral Meshing, Saifeng Ni1, Zichun Zhong, Jin Huang, Wenping Wang and Xiaohu Guo, Symposium on Geometry Processing
Surface reconstruction by computing restricted Voronoi cells in parallel, Dobrina Boltcheva &nd Bruno Lévy, Computer Aided Design, HAL
RINGMesh: A programming library for developing mesh-based geomodeling applications, Jeanne Pellerin, Arnaud Botella, François Bonneau, Antoine Mazuyer, Benjamin Chauvin, Bruno Lévy and Guillaume Caumon, Computers and Geosciences, HAL
Hexahedral-dominant meshing, Dmitry Sokolov, Nicolas Ray, Lionel Untereiner, Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Restricting Voronoi diagrams to meshes using corner validation, M. Sainlot, Vincent Nivolliers and Dominique Attali, Symposium on Geometry Processing
- Robustness and efficiency of geometric programs: The Predicate Construction Kit (PCK), Bruno Lévy, Computer Aided Design, HAL
- Practical 3D frame field generation, Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov, Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
- Centroidal power diagrams with capacity constraints: computation, applications, and extension, Shi-Qing Xin, Bruno Lévy, Zhonggui Chen, Lei Chu, Yaohui Yu, Changhe Tu, Wenping Wang, ACM Transactions on Graphics, PDF
Anisotropic and feature sensitive triangular remeshing using normal lifting, Vincent Nivoliers, Bruno Lévy and Christophe Geuzaine, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,HAL
Dihedral angle-based maps of tetrahedral meshes, Gilles-Philippe Paillé, Nicolas Ray, Pierre Poulin, Alla Sheffer and Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Fitting polynomial surfaces to triangular meshes with Voronoi squared distance minimization, Vincent Nivoliers, Dong-Ming Yan and Bruno Lévy, Engineering with computers, HAL
Automatic surface remeshing of 3D structural models at specified resolution: A method based on Voronoi diagrams, Jeanne Pellerin, Bruno Lévy, Guillaume Caumon and Arnaud Botella, Computers and Geosciences, HAL
Revisiting Optimal Delaunay Triangulation for 3D Graded Mesh Generation, Zhonggui Chen, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy, Ligang Liu and Feng Sun, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, HAL
Efficient computation of clipped Voronoi diagram for mesh generation, Dong-Ming Yan, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy and Yang Liu, Computer Aided Design, HAL
Approximating Functions on a Mesh with Restricted Voronoï Diagrams, Vincent Nivoliers and Bruno Lévy, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Fitting Polynomial Volumes to Surface Meshes with Voronoï Squared Distance Minimization, Gilles-Philippe Paillé, Pierre Poulin and Bruno Lévy, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Quad-Mesh Generation and Processing: A Survey, David Bommes, Bruno Lévy, Nico Pietroni, Enrico Puppo, Cláudio T. Silva, Marco Tarini and Denis Zorin, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Particle-based anisotropic surface meshing, Zichun Zhong, Xiaohu Guo, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy, Feng Sun, Yang Liu and Weihua Mao, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation of Streamlines for Flow Visualization, Wenjie Liu, Lin Lu, Bruno Lévy, Chenglei Yang and Xiangxu Meng, ISVD, PDF
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation of Line Segments and Graphs, Lin Lu, Bruno Lévy and Wenping Wang, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Variational Anisotropic Surface Meshing with Voronoi Parallel Linear Enumeration, Bruno Lévy, Nicolas Bonneel, IMR, HAL
GPU-powered tools boost molecular visualization, Matthieu Chavent, Bruno Lévy, Michael Krone, Katrin Bidmon, Jean-Philippe Nomine, Thomas Ertl and Marc Baaden, Briefings in Bioinformatics, HAL
Obtuse triangle suppression in anisotropic meshes, Feng Sun, Yi-King Choi, Wenping Wang, Dong-Ming Yan, Yang Liu and Bruno Lévy, Computer Aided Geometric Design, HAL
Meshless quadrangulation by global parameterization, Er Li, Bruno Lévy, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wujun Che, Weiming Dong and Jean-Claude Paul, Computers and Graphics, HAL
GPU-accelerated atom and dynamic bond visualization using hyperballs: A unified algorithm for balls, sticks, and hyperboloids, Matthieu Chavent, Antoine Vanel, Alex Tek, Bruno Lévy, Sophie Robert, Bruno Raffin and Marc Baaden, Journal of Computational Chemistry, HAL
Computing 2D Periodic Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation, Dong-Ming Yan, Kai Wang, Bruno Lévy and Laurent Alonso, ISVD, HAL, Video
Invisible seams, Nicolas Ray, Vincent Nivoliers, Sylvain Lefebvre and Bruno Lévy, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Lp Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation and its applications, Bruno Lévy and Yang Liu, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Efficient Computation of 3D Clipped Voronoi Diagram, Dong-Ming Yan, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy and Yang Liu, GMP, HAL
Spectral mesh processing, Bruno Lévy and Richard Hao Zhang, ACM SIGGRAPH course, PDF
Isotropic Remeshing with Fast and Exact Computation of Restricted Voronoi Diagram, Dong-Ming Yan, Bruno Lévy, Yang Liu, Feng Sun and Wenping Wang, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Material-space texturing, Nicolas Ray, Bruno Lévy, Huamin Wang, Greg Turk and Bruno Vallet, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Concurrent number cruncher: a GPU implementation of a general sparse linear solver, Luc Buatois, Guillaume Caumon and Bruno Lévy, Journal of Parallel Emergent Distributed Systems, HAL
On centroidal voronoi tessellation - energy smoothness and fast computation, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy, Feng Sun, Dong-Ming Yan, Lin Lu and Chenglei Yang, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Geometry-aware direction field processing, Nicolas Ray, Bruno Vallet, Laurent Alonso and Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Spectral mesh processing, Bruno Lévy and Hao Zhang, SIGGRAPH ASIA course, PDF
Spectral Geometry Processing with Manifold Harmonics, Bruno Vallet and Bruno Lévy, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Geometry Textures and Applications, Rodrigo de Toledo, Bin Wang and Bruno Lévy, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
N-symmetry direction field design, Nicolas Ray, Bruno Vallet, Wan-Chiu Li and Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions On Graphics, HAL
Geometric Modeling Based on Polygonal Meshes, Mario Botsch, Mark Pauly, Leif Kobbelt, Pierre Alliez and Bruno Lévy, Eurographics course, PDF
Iterative Methods for Visualization of Implicit Surfaces On GPU, Rodrigo de Toledo, Bruno Lévy, Jean-Claude Paul, ISVC, HAL
Linear angle based parameterization, Rhaleb Zayer, Bruno Lévy and Hans-Peter Seidel, Symposium on Geometry Proecssing], HAL
Mesh parameterization: theory and practice, Kai Hormann, Bruno Lévy, Alla Sheffer, SIGGRAPH course, HAL
Periodic Global Parameterization, Nicolas Ray, Wan-Chiu Li, Bruno Lévy, Alla Sheffer, Pierre Alliez, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Representing Higher-Order Singularities in Vector Fields on Piecewise Linear Surfaces, Wan-Chiu Li, Bruno Vallet, Nicolas Ray, Bruno Lévy, IEEE Transations on Visualization and Computer Graphics, HAL
GPU Accelerated Isosurface Extraction on Tetrahedral Grids, Luc Buatois, Guillaume Caumon, Bruno Lévy, ISCV, HAL
Ardeco: Automatic Region DEtection and COnversion, Grégory Lecot, Bruno Lévy, EGSR Rendering Techniques, HAL
Automatic and interactive mesh to T-spline conversion, Wan-Chiu Li, Nicolas Ray and Bruno Lévy, Symposium on Geometry Processing, HAL
Laplace-Beltrami Eigenfunctions Towards an Algorithm That "Understands" Geometry, Bruno Lévy, Shape Modeling International, HAL
ABF++: fast and robust angle based flattening, Alla Sheffer, Bruno Lévy, Maxim Mogilnitsky and Alexander Bogomyakov, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Mesh Editing with an Embedded Network of Curves, Wan-Chiu Li, Bruno Lévy and Jean-Claude Paul, Shape Modelling International, HAL
Dual Domain Extrapolation, Bruno Lévy, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Anisotropic polygonal remeshing, Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner, Olivier Devillers, Bruno Lévy and Mathieu Desbrun , ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL
Hierarchical Least Squares Conformal Map, Nicolas Ray, Bruno Lévy, Pacific Graphics, HAL
Texture particles, Jean-Michel Dischler, Karl Maritaud, Bruno Lévy and Djamchid Ghazanfarpour, Computer Graphics Forum, HAL
Least Squares Conformal Maps for automatic texture atlas generation, Bruno Lévy, Sylvain Petitjean, Nicolas Ray and Jérôme Maillot, ACM Transactions on Graphics, HAL, PDF
- Constrained texture mapping for polygonal meshes, Bruno Lévy, ACM SIGGRAPH, PDF
- Non-distorted Texture Mapping for Sheared Triangulated Meshes, Bruno Lévy and Jean-Laurent Mallet, ACM SIGGRAPH, HAL, PDF