This is a homework at Innopolis University to demonstrate basic mlops practices. I chose a simple task - kaggle dataset and linear regression from sklearn.
Speaking of mlops, the following were used:
- mlflow for model training and registry
- airflow for child dags - data engineering, model training, deployment
- airflow for parent dag - schedules child dags
- joblib for encoders and scalers registry
- fastapi + uvicorn for backend
- streamlit for frontend
- docker compose for deployment
To start airflow dag, you need to:
Configure it with LocalExecutor and PostresSQL/MSSQL (multithreading is needed for parent dag + child dag):
Configure environment variable. Go to project root and write:
Start airflow server:
airflow standalone
Turn on all child dags, then turn on parent dag
After success completion of all dags, you can access frontend through http://localhost:8501/