url: http://walkablogabout.blogspot.nl/2012/06/yet-another-xmpp-client-for-android.html
Multi-provider XMPP Client for android.
- GreenDao, database access. Say goodbye to e.g. SQL injection exploits, crap manual data type conversions;
- Smack library, modified for Android, with bugs, but not crashworthy;
- Support for android Notifications;
- Translatable to different languages, by leveraging the xml Resource;
- Multiple provider support, i.e. connect with google, microsoft, meebo, whatever you want;
- Notification triggered morse code vibrator;
- Support for Fragments (8 june 2012), support for tablets WiP;
- Support for api level 10 through 15, i.e. from gingerbread to ice cream sandwich (80%) of the android market.
Fork this project and please send improvements my way. Thanks!
This software might not work as expected... This is largely untested with different xmpp servers, providers etc. The first working version of the code (Activity-centric design) was largely hammered out in a 12 day coding binge. You have been warned.