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Dysfunctional options pattern in Go (Golang)

This code generator is inspired by the article Dysfunctional options pattern in Go by Redowan Delowar.

Now you can define configuration struct(s) schema in a tiny JSON file and use this generator to make up Go code for you.

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go install -u

Command line parameters

  • -schema - path to the JSON file with the schema; default: config_schema.json
  • -output - path to the output file; default: stdout
  • -package - package name; default: main
  • -headers - add header and footer wrapping the generated output; default: true

go:generate example

//go:generate dysconfig -schema=config_schema.json -output=config.go -package=testoutput

Configuration schema

More information on the configuration schema see in schema.json file.

Basically JSON should contain a list of data structures you want to generate. Thus you can store all configuration data structures definitions in a single JSON file, or you can decouple it into multiple if needed.

Each data structure definition include the following easy to grasp key-value pairs:

  • struct_name - (required) the name of the data structure will be used in the Go code
  • fields - (required) dictionary of data structure fields (parameters) definitions, where key is the name of the field
  • json_tags - (optional) flag to enable/disable automatic JSON tags generation for each field in the fields list; default: false
  • optionals - (optional) flag to enable/disable automatic optional fields helper methods generation (those With* functions); default: true

Each field value in fields dictionary also has these key-values you can use to adjust the generated Go code:

  • type - (required) string name of the type you want this fiueld to be, can be any value even if it is not included in the configuration schema (like when you have a data type defined somewhere else in your code)
  • default - (optional) string containing default value for the field to be included in the constructor function
  • required - (optional) flag determines whether the filed is required or optional
  • tags - (optional) list of strings containing extra tags to add to the field
    "struct_name": "DatabaseConfig",
    "json_tags": true,
    "optionals": true,
    "fields": {
      "Address": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "tags": ["env:DATABASE_ADDRESS"]
      "Login": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": false,
        "default": "root"
      "Password": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": false,
        "default": "secret_password"
      "DatabaseName": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true

After running the generator, you will get the following code:

dysconfig -schema example.json -output config.go -package testoutput
package testoutput

type DatabaseConfig struct {
	Address      string `json:"Address,required" env:DATABASE_ADDRESS`
	Login        string `json:"Login"`
	DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,required"`
	Password     string `json:"Password"`

func NewDatabaseConfig(address string, databasename string) *DatabaseConfig {
	return &DatabaseConfig{
		Address:      address,
		Login:        "root",
		DatabaseName: databasename,
		Password:     "secret_password",

func (c *DatabaseConfig) WithLogin(value string) *DatabaseConfig {
	c.Login = value
	return c

func (c *DatabaseConfig) WithPassword(value string) *DatabaseConfig {
	c.Password = value
	return c

If you try to set optionals parameter to false, then result will look like:

package testoutput

type DatabaseConfig struct {
	Address      string `json:"Address,required" env:DATABASE_ADDRESS`
	Login        string `json:"Login"`
	DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,required"`
	Password     string `json:"Password"`

func NewDatabaseConfig(address string, databasename string) *DatabaseConfig {
	return &DatabaseConfig{
		Address:      address,
		Login:        "root",
		DatabaseName: databasename,
		Password:     "secret_password",


Dysfunctional options pattern in Go







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