tabwriter is a crate that implements
elastic tabstops. It
provides both a library for wrapping Rust Writer
s and a small program that
exposes the same functionality at the command line.
Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.
use std::io::Write;
use tabwriter::TabWriter;
let mut tw = TabWriter::new(vec![]);
Bruce Springsteen\tBorn to Run
Bob Seger\tNight Moves
The Boss\tDarkness on the Edge of Town
let written = String::from_utf8(tw.into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&written, "
Bruce Springsteen Born to Run
Bob Seger Night Moves
Metallica Black
The Boss Darkness on the Edge of Town
You can see an example of real use in my CSV toolkit.
[andrew@Liger tabwriter] cat sample | sed 's/ /\\t/g'
abcmnoxyz\tmore text
[andrew@Liger tabwriter] ./target/tabwriter < sample
a b c
abc mnopqrstuv xyz
abcmnoxyz more text
a b c
Notice that once a column block is broken, alignment starts over again.
The API is fully documented with some examples:
This crate works with Cargo. Assuming you have Rust and Cargo installed, simply check out the source and run tests:
git clone git://
cd tabwriter
cargo test
You can also add tabwriter
as a dependency to your project's Cargo.toml
tabwriter = "1"
If you want tabwriter
to be aware of ANSI escape codes, then you should
enable the TabWriter::ansi
option. Previously this was done by enabling the
crate feature ansi_formatting
, but that feature is now deprecated. (If you
use it, then TabWriter::ansi
will be automatically enabled for you. Otherwise
it is disabled by default.)
This crate's minimum supported rustc
version is 1.67.0
The current policy is that the minimum Rust version required to use this crate
can be increased in minor version updates. For example, if crate 1.0
Rust 1.20.0, then crate 1.0.z
for all values of z
will also require Rust
1.20.0 or newer. However, crate 1.y
for y > 0
may require a newer minimum
version of Rust.
In general, this crate will be conservative with respect to the minimum supported version of Rust.