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rest api_CN

leolianger edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 18 revisions


接口数据类型 请求方法 类型 描述 需要验签
交易品种信息 GET /symbols GET 交易对的计价货币和报价精度 N
交易品种信息 GET /currencies GET 交易币种列表 N
市场行情 GET /tickers GET 全部symbol或单个symbol的24小时的价格变化 N
市场行情 GET /depth GET 单个symbol的市场深度行情 N
市场行情 GET /klines GET 单个symbol的K线 N
市场行情 GET /trades GET 单个symbol的成交记录 N
账户信息 GET /balance/ GET 查询用户的账户状态 Y
用户订单信息 GET /orders/all GET 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的open和closed订单 N
用户订单信息 GET /orders/open GET 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的open订单 N
用户订单信息 GET /orders/closed GET 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的closed订单 N
用户订单信息 GET /orders/{id} GET 根据orderid查询订单详情 N
用户订单信息 GET /orders/trades GET 获取用户的历史成交详情 N
充提币及转币信息 GET /depositaddress GET 获取充值地址 N
充提币及转币信息 GET /withdrawals GET 查询提币信息 N
充提币及转币信息 GET /deposits GET 查询充币信息 N
充提币及转币信息 GET /transfers GET 查询转账记录 N
交易 POST /transaction/createorder POST 创建订单 Y
交易 POST /transaction/cancelorder POST 取消订单 Y
提币 POST /transaction/withdraw POST 申请提币 Y
转账 POST /transaction/transfer POST 申请转账 Y




GET /symbols 查询所有交易对及精度

请求参数: (无)


symbol list


      "symbol": "68719476706",     // market symbol, unique,在其它接口中,如果需要使用symbol标明market,请使用这个symbol
      "name": "ETH/BTC",     // market symbol name, unique
      "base": "2",             // base coin currency
      "quote": "32",           // quote coin currency
      "baseName": "ETH",     // base coin code
      "quoteName": "BTC",    // quote coin code
      "active": true,
      "maker": "0.0008",     // maker fee
      "taker": "0.0008",     // taker fee
      "precision": {         // number of decimal digits "after the dot"
        "amount": 8,        // 交易时,amount的精度,代表小数点后的最大位数
        "price": 10           // 交易时,price的精度,代表小数点后的最大位数
      "limits": {
        "amount": {
          "min": "0.00000001", // 交易时,amount的最小值
          "max": "-1"            // 当值为-1时,代表没有上限
        "price": {
          "min": "0.0000000001",   // 交易时,price的最小值
          "max": "-1"            // 当值为-1时,代表没有上限


  1. 订单创建,订单创建,账户间转账,每次收取0.0003个BTT作为手续费用;
  2. 订单被撮合后,交易手续费费率如上述接口所述,为0.08%.

GET /currencies 查询所有币种




currency list
        "code": "32",       // currency id, unique,在其它接口中,如果需要使用currency信息,请使用这个id
        "name": "BTC",      // currency name, unique
        "type": "crypto",
        "fullname": "Bitcoin",
        "active": true,
        "basePrecision": 18,      // 在ByteTrade链上,1个BTC将表示为1000000000000000000的整数
        "transferPrecision": 10,  // 在ByteTrade链上,转账最小值为0.0000000001
        "externalPrecision": 8,   // 在BTC的链上,最小单位为0.00000001
        "fee":"53004",            // withdraw fee, only valid for BTC
        "chainContractAddress": "",
        "limits": {
            "deposit": {
              "min": "0.001",    // pixiu 系统支持的最小充值数量,需要再确认下接口
              "max": "-1"        // 当值为-1时,代表没有上限
            "withdraw": {
              "min": "0.01",     // pixiu 系统支持的最小充值数量,需要再确认下接口
              "max": "-1"        // 当值为-1时,代表没有上限

GET /tickers 查询全部symbol或单个symbol的24小时的价格变化


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
symbol false string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...


ticker list


        "symbol": "68719476706",                 // unique id, unique
        "name": "ETH/BTC",                       // string symbol of the market, unique
        "base": "2",                             // base coin id
        "quote": "32",                           // quote coin id
        "timestamp": 1559124034283,              // int (64-bit Unix Timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch 1 Jan 1970)
        "datetime": "2019-05-29T10:00:34.283Z",  // ISO8601 datetime string with milliseconds
        "high": "0.031526",                        // highest price
        "low": "0.030771",                         // lowest price
        "open": "0.031009",                        // opening price
        "close": "0.031035",                       // price of last trade (closing price for current period)
        "last": "0.031035",                        // same as `close`, duplicated for convenience
        "change": "2.6e-05",                       // absolute change, `last - open`
        "percentage": "0.084",                     // relative change, `(change/open) * 100`
        "baseVolume": "209771.771",                // volume of base currency traded for last 24 hours
        "quoteVolume": "6519.97393184"             // volume of quote currency traded for last 24 hours

GET /depth 查询单个symbol的市场深度行情


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
symbol true string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
limit false int asks或bids个数 [1,100]
type false string 深度的价格聚合度,step0时无聚合,step1\2\3\4\5分别代表聚合度为报价精度*10\100\1000\10000\100000 step0 step0,step1,step2,step3,step4,step5


depth dict


      "bids": [
          "0.031138",   // price
          "0.05"        // amount
      "asks": [
    "timestamp": 1559549045008,
    "datetime": "2019-06-03T08:04:05.008Z"

GET /klines 查询单个symbol的K线


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
symbol true string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
timeframe true string K线类型 1m, 5m,15m,30m,1h,4h,1d,5d,1w,1M
since false int K线开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个kline
limit false int K线数据个数 100 [1,500]


kline list


      1559574540000,      // UTC timestamp in milliseconds, integer
      "0.030753",         // (O)pen price, String
      "0.030778",         // (H)ighest price
      "0.030752",         // (L)owest price
      "0.030778",         // (C)losing price
      "30.716"            // (V)olume (in terms of the base currency)

GET /trades 获取单个symbol的成交记录


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
symbol true string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
since false int 获取trade开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个trade
limit false int trades数据个数 100 [1,500]


trade list


      "id": "6863a873ed87443bfc8bd759451d5c9ec4a2dafc",        // string trade id
      "txid":"909108605661dfd3e6d85ae2a9faceb524dce733",       // transaction id in bytetrade
      "order": "e0bfe265bab9ac017a867eceff9f5b3464053972",     // sring order id
      "timestamp": 1559633809458,               // Unix timestamp in milliseconds
      "datetime": "2019-06-04T07:36:49.458Z",   // ISO8601 datetime with milliseconds
      "symbol": "68719476706",                    // symbol
      "name": "ETH/BTC",                        // symbol name
      "side": "buy",                            // direction of the trade, "buy" or "sell"
      "price": "0.031118",                      // price in quote currency
      "amount": "0.2379",                       // amount of base currency
      "cost": "0.0074029722"                    // amount of quote currency

GET /balance 获取用户的balance


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, ...


balance list


      "code": "32",                              // string coin id
      "name": "BTC",                           // string coin name
      "free": "0.23",                          // money available for trading
      "used": "0.03",                          // money on hold, locked, frozen or pending
      "total": "0.26"                          // total balance (free + used)

GET /orders/all 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的open和closed订单


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
symbol false string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
since false int 获取order的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个order
limit false int order数据个数 100 [1,100]


order list
        "id":                "12345-67890:09876/54321", // string
        "txid":              "42d225b12d97441e709c741e1f99b377ec3a3822"   // tx_id in bytetrade
        "datetime":          "2017-08-17 12:42:48.000", // ISO8601 datetime of "timestamp" with milliseconds
        "timestamp":          1502962946216, // order placing/opening Unix timestamp in milliseconds
        "lastTradeTimestamp": 1502962956216, // Unix timestamp of the most recent trade on this order
        "status":     "open",         // "open"
        "symbol":     "68719476706",  // symbol Id
        "name":       "ETH/BTC",      // symbol name
        "type":       "limit",        // "market", "limit"
        "side":       "buy",          // "buy", "sell"
        "price":       "0.029",       // float price in quote currency
        "average":     "0",
        "amount":      "0.000294",    // ordered amount of base currency
        "filled":      "0",           // filled amount of base currency
        "remaining":   "0.000294",    // remaining amount to fill
        "cost":       "0",            // "filled" * "price" (filling price used where available)
        "fee": {                      // fee info, if available
            "code": "32",             // which currency the fee is (usually quote)
            "name": "BTC",
            "cost": "0",             // the fee amount in that currency
            "rate": "0",             // the fee rate (if available)

GET /orders/open 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的open订单


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
symbol false string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
since false int 获取openorder的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个openorder
limit false int openorder数据个数 100 [1,100]


open order list
        "id":                "12345-67890:09876/54321", // string
        "txid":              "42d225b12d97441e709c741e1f99b377ec3a3822"   // tx_id in bytetrade
        "datetime":          "2017-08-17 12:42:48.000", // ISO8601 datetime of "timestamp" with milliseconds
        "timestamp":          1502962946216, // order placing/opening Unix timestamp in milliseconds
        "lastTradeTimestamp": 1502962956216, // Unix timestamp of the most recent trade on this order
        "status":     "open",         // "open"
        "symbol":     "68719476706",  // symbol Id
        "name":       "ETH/BTC",      // symbol name
        "type":       "limit",        // "market", "limit"
        "side":       "buy",          // "buy", "sell"
        "price":       "0.029",       // float price in quote currency
        "average":     "0",
        "amount":      "0.000294",    // ordered amount of base currency
        "filled":      "0",           // filled amount of base currency
        "remaining":   "0.000294",    // remaining amount to fill
        "cost":       "0",            // "filled" * "price" (filling price used where available)
        "fee": {                      // fee info, if available
            "code": "32",             // which currency the fee is (usually quote)
            "name": "BTC",
            "cost": "0",             // the fee amount in that currency
            "rate": "0",             // the fee rate (if available)

GET /orders/closed 获取用户单个或者所有symbol的closed订单


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
symbol false string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
since false int 获取closedorder的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个closedorder
limit false int closedorder数据个数 100 [1,100]


closed order list


        "id":                "a7922889b77005bae42b48cd15db3849a1e89d4b", // string
        "txid":              "42d225b12d97441e709c741e1f99b377ec3a3822",   // tx_id in bytetrade
        "datetime":          "2017-08-17 12:42:48.000", // ISO8601 datetime of "timestamp" with milliseconds
        "timestamp":          1502962946216, // order placing/opening Unix timestamp in milliseconds
        "lastTradeTimestamp": 1502962956216, // Unix timestamp of the most recent trade on this order
        "status":     "closed",             // "closed"
        "symbol":     "68719476706",          // symbol Id
        "name":       "ETH/BTC",            // symbol name
        "type":       "limit",              // "market", "limit"
        "side":       "buy",                // "buy", "sell"
        "price":       "0.03413801",        // float price in quote currency
        "average":     "0.03413801",        // money/filled
        "amount":      "0.001",             // ordered amount of base currency
        "filled":      "0.001",             // filled amount of base currency
        "remaining":   "0",                 // remaining amount to fill
        "cost":       "0.000034138432",     // "filled" * "price" (filling price used where available)
        "fee": {                            // fee info, if available
            "code": "32",                     // which currency the fee is (usually quote)
            "name": "BTC",
            "cost": "0",                    // the fee amount in that currency
            "rate": "0",                    // the fee rate (if available)

GET /orders/{id} 获取指定id的订单详情


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
orderid true string 订单id a7922889b77005bae42b48cd15db3849a1e89d4b, , ...


order info dict


    "id":                "a7922889b77005bae42b48cd15db3849a1e89d4b", // string
    "txid":              "909108605661dfd3e6d85ae2a9faceb524dce733",   // tx_id in bytetrade
    "datetime":          "2017-08-17 12:42:48.000", // ISO8601 datetime of "timestamp" with milliseconds
    "timestamp":          1502962946216, // order placing/opening Unix timestamp in milliseconds
    "lastTradeTimestamp": 1502962956216, // Unix timestamp of the most recent trade on this order
    "status":     "closed",             // "open", "closed",  如果一个订单没有成交,而就被取消掉,通过此接口不会查询到 
    "symbol":     "68719476706",          // symbol Id
    "name":       "ETH/BTC",            // symbol name
    "type":       "limit",              // "market", "limit"
    "side":       "buy",                // "buy", "sell"
    "price":       "0.03413801",        // float price in quote currency
    "amount":      "0.001",             // ordered amount of base currency
    "filled":      "0.001",             // filled amount of base currency
    "remaining":   "0",                 // remaining amount to fill
    "cost":       "0.000034138432",     // "filled" * "price" (filling price used where available)
    "fee": {                            // fee info, if available
        "code": "32",                     // which currency the fee is (usually quote)
        "name": "BTC",
        "cost": "0",                    // the fee amount in that currency
        "rate": "0",                    // the fee rate (if available)

GET /orders/trades 获取用户的历史成交详情


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
symbol false string 交易对symbol 68719476706, 4294967297, ...
orderid false string 订单id a7922889b77005bae42b48cd15db3849a1e89d4b, , ...
since false int 获取用户trade的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个trade
limit false int 用户trade个数 100 [1,100]


matchresults info list
        "id":           "3b185509047d385381fa1ec4d975ebb0d41c97c3",  // string trade id
        "txid":         "909108605661dfd3e6d85ae2a9faceb524dce733",  // transaction id in bytetrade
        "timestamp":    1502962946216,                               // Unix timestamp in milliseconds
        "datetime":     "2017-08-17 12:42:48.000",                   // ISO8601 datetime with milliseconds
        "symbol":       "4294967297",                                  // symbol
        "name":         "ETH/BTC",                                   // symbol name
        "order":        "d891f26f8cbc08e27434eb9ab9fb937ee1e7e438",  // string order id or undefined/None/null
        "side":         "sell",                                      // direction of the trade, "buy" or "sell"
        "takerOrMaker": "taker",                                     // string, "taker" or "maker"
        "price":        "0.00007412",                                // float price in quote currency
        "amount":       "27.29041663",                               // amount of base currency
        "cost":         "0.0020227656806156",                        // total cost (including fees), `price * amount`
        "fee":          {                                            // provided by exchange or calculated by ccxt
            "cost":  "0.0000016182125445",                           // float
            "code": "32",                                               // usually base currency for buys, quote currency for sells
            "name": "BTC",
            "rate": 0.002,                                           // the fee rate (if available)

GET /depositaddress 获取充值地址


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
code false string currency的code 2, 3, ...


deposit address
        "code": "2",                                                 // currency code
        "name": "ETH",
        "chainType":"ethereum",                                    // 充值链类型,当前支持ethereum/naka/cmt/bitcoin
        "address": "0x10c03cde1395e8e1e7626b890384c9897f7f597b",   // address in terms of requested currency
        "tag": ""                                                  // tag / memo / paymentId for particular currencies (XRP, XMR, ...)

GET /withdrawals 获取用户单个或者所有currency的提现记录


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
code false string currency的code 2, 3, ...
since false int 获取用户withdraw的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个withdraw
limit false int withdraw数据个数 100 [1,100]


withdrawal list
      "id": "e523e01b778e377c9bbc3a883305409c3774efb1",                             
      "txid": "0xc42f1611d795cb5a9bda63af4a9fd28c7958a18d908bf1750ccfea9ace88d48f",                                                                   // 对应外部链上的转账信息,当前从listWithdraws没有找到这个,但是从区块浏览器中可以看到,需要确认下如何获取
      "timestamp": 1553134089103,                                                  
      "datetime": "2019-03-21T02:08:09.103Z",                                      
      "address": "0x32d74896f05204d1b6ae7b0a3cebd7fc0cd8f9c7",                   
      "tag": "",                                                                  
      "type": "withdrawal",                         
      "amount": 10,                                       
      "code": "3",     
      "name": "KCASH",                                                         
      "status": "succeed",                              
      "updated": 1553134584448,                          
      "fee": {                                   
        "code": "3",    
        "name": "KCASH",                      
        "cost": "0",                            
        "rate": "0"

GET /deposits 获取用户单个或者所有currency的充值记录


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
code false string currency的id 2, 3, ...
since false int 获取用户deposit的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个deposit 0
limit false int deposit数据个数 100 [1,100]


deposit list
      "id": "7b52aeb2d8f624d16ef0473defdd8d39db057c02",                             
      "txid": "0xdfa9724b0f269a2b2eecd952c6b369320febce047938772fff6f129322bf632c",                                                             // 对应外部链上的转账信息,当前从listWithdraws没有找到这个,但是从区块浏览器中可以看到,需要确认下如何获取
      "timestamp": 1553134089103,                                                  
      "datetime": "2019-03-21T02:08:09.103Z",                       
      "address": "0x10c03cde1395e8e1e7626b890384c9897f7f597b",              
      "tag": "",                                                                  
      "type": "deposit",                         
      "amount": "0.01030928",                             
      "code": "2",   
      "status": "succeed",                              
      "updated": 1553134584448,                        
      "fee": {                                           
        "code": "2",    
        "name": "ETH",                       
        "cost": "0",                            
        "rate": "0"

GET /transfers 获取用户单个或者所有currency的在bytetrade上的转账记录


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
userid true string 用户id Aquila, , ...
code false string currency的id 2, 3, ...
since false int 获取用户transfer的开始时间(utc毫秒),如果不设置这个值,则默认获取从当前时刻向前的limit个transfer 0
limit false int transfer数据个数 100 [1,100]
transfer list


      "id": "8dd700fde3e0f947e4b52d72950a9fb3261c59d1",                    
      "timestamp": 1553134089103,                                           
      "datetime": "2019-03-21T02:08:09.103Z",                        
      "tag": "",                                                                 
      "type": "transfer",                         
      "amount": "-5",                                                             
      "code": "34",                                                         
      "name": "MT",                                           
      "status": "succeed",                                                 
      "updated": 1553134584448                                               

POST /transaction/createorder 创建订单


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
trObj true string 带有序列化后的签名信息的创建订单的transaction
事务参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
fee true uint128 创建transaction时需要的打包手续费BTT的数量,使用链上整数格式表示 300000000000000
creator true string 用户名
side true uint8 订单方向 1:sell, 2:buy
order_type true uint8 订单类型 1:limitOrder,2:marketOrder
market_name true string 市场名字
amount true uint128 交易的币数量,使用链上整数格式表示
price true uint128 交易的币价格,使用链上整数格式表示
now true string 当前时间,格式为 %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
expiration true string 过期时间,格式为 %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
use_btt_as_fee true bool 是否使用BTT作为交易手续费 false
freeze_btt_fee false uint128 使用BTT作为交易手续费时,需要冻结的数量
custom_no_btt_fee_rate false uint128 使用BTT作为交易手续时的交易费率
money_id true uint32 交易对的quoteid 1, 2, 3, ...
stock_id true uint32 交易对的baseid 1, 2, 3, ...


  1. 订单被提交到链上后,会首先进行签名验证,验证无误后,返回提交成功的消息(注意,此时并不代表此订单被成功创建),如果签名验证失败,则返回验证失败的消息;
  2. 在订单真正创建成功前,会进行价格精度、数量精度、账户余额的等检查,如果检查通过,才能创建成功;
  3. 在提交订单时,此订单的orderid已经确定,可通过orders的相关接口进行查询此订单情况,若查询结果不包含此订单,则说明此订单没有创建成功。


var bytetrade_js = require('../utils/bytetrade.min.js');
var test_userid='harvey1340';
var test_privatekey='682503fc0582ff940c7fe97ef48b49d18421e5668af5811c0b3f74cf21f33f54';
var dapp_name = 'Sagittarius';

function create_order() {
    var tr = new bytetrade_js.TransactionBuilder();
    var ob = {
        fee: '300000000000000',   // 0.0003 *1000000000000000000  fee
        creator: test_userid,     // creator userid
        side: 2,                  // 1:sell, 2:buy
        order_type: 1,            // 1:limitOrder,2:marketOrder
        market_name: "KCASH/ETH",
        amount: '4310000000000000', // amount, which is represented as an integer on the chain, amount*10^basePrecision;
        price: '83210000000000',    // price, which is represented as an integer on the chain, price*10^basePrecision;
        now: Math.ceil( / 1000),
        expiration: Math.ceil( / 1000) + 10,
        use_btt_as_fee: false,
        freeze_btt_fee: 0,
        custom_no_btt_fee_rate: 8,
        money_id: 2,   // quote currency
        stock_id: 3    // base currency

    tr.add_type_operation("order_create", ob);
    tr.timestamp = Math.ceil( / 1000);
    tr.validate_type = 0;
    if (!tr.signed) { tr.sign(); }
    var trObj = tr.toObject();
    console.log("id " +;
    signedTransaction = JSON.stringify(trObj);
    const request = {
        'trObj': signedTransaction,
    // next step is POST request to /transaction/createorder endpoint

POST /transaction/cancelorder 取消订单


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
trObj true string 签名及序列化后的取消订单的transaction
事务参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
fee true uint128 创建transaction时需要的打包手续费BTT的数量,使用链上整数格式表示 300000000000000
creator true string 用户名
market_name true string 市场名字
order_id true uint128 订单id,对应/orders/open接口中的id
money_id true uint32 交易对的quoteid 1, 2, 3, ...
stock_id true uint32 交易对的baseid 1, 2, 3, ...


var bytetrade_js = require('../utils/bytetrade.min.js');
var test_userid='harvey1340';
var test_privatekey='682503fc0582ff940c7fe97ef48b49d18421e5668af5811c0b3f74cf21f33f54';
var dapp_name = 'Sagittarius';

function cancel_order(order_id) {
    var tr = new bytetrade_js.TransactionBuilder();
    var ob = {
        fee: '300000000000000',   
        creator: test_userid,
        market_name: 4294967297,
        order_id: order_id,
        money_id: 2,
        stock_id: 3

    tr.add_type_operation("order_cancel", ob);

    tr.timestamp = Math.ceil( / 1000);
    tr.validate_type = 0;
    if (!tr.signed) { tr.sign(); }
    var trObj = tr.toObject();
    console.log("id " +;
    signedTransaction = JSON.stringify(trObj);
    const request = {
        'trObj': signedTransaction,
    // next step is POST request to /transaction/cancelorder endpoint

POST /transaction/withdraw 申请提币


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
chainType true uint32 currency的链类型id,链类型名字对应currencies接口中的chainType字段 1:ethereum, 2:bitcoin, 3:cmt, 4:naka
toExternalAddress true string 用户的提币地址
trObj true string 带有序列化后的签名信息的withdraw的transaction
chainContractAddress true string currency在相应的链上的地址,对应currencies接口中的chainContractAddress字段
事务参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
fee true uint128 创建transaction时需要的打包手续费BTT的数量,使用链上整数格式表示 300000000000000
from true string 提币的用户名
to_external_address true string 用户对应的pixiu地址,对应depositaddress接口中的address字段
asset_type true uint32 提币的币id
amount true uint128 提的币数量,使用链上整数格式表示
asset_fee false uint128 仅在提取BTC和USDT时有效,对应currencies接口中的fee字段


var bytetrade_js = require('../utils/bytetrade.min.js');
var test_userid='harvey1340';
var test_privatekey='682503fc0582ff940c7fe97ef48b49d18421e5668af5811c0b3f74cf21f33f54';
var pixiu_middle_address = '0x4e52cb4aba1b507ed27ab046791eddee6d471b2d';
var user_real_address = '0x34aF13D89eBCdbc0548FdeB15e5FFF5c2eD93036'
var dapp_name = 'Sagittarius';
var chainType = 1; // ETH

function withdraw() {
    var tr = new bytetrade_js.TransactionBuilder();
    if (chainType !== 2) {  // not btc chain
        var ob = {
            fee: '300000000000000',
            from: test_userid,
            to_external_address: pixiu_middle_address,
            asset_type: 2,
            amount: '20000000000000000'
        tr.add_type_operation("withdraw", ob);
        tr.propose({ fee: '300000000000000',
            proposaler: test_userid,
            expiration_time: Math.ceil( / 1000),
            proposed_ops: []
    } else {
        var ob = {
            fee: '300000000000000',
            from: test_userid,
            to_external_address: pixiu_middle_address,
            asset_type: 32,
            amount: '20000000000000000',
            asset_fee: '53004', // btc chain fee
        tr.add_type_operation("withdraw2", ob);

    tr.timestamp = Math.ceil( / 1000);
    tr.validate_type = 0;
    if (!tr.signed) { tr.sign(); }
    var trObj = tr.toObject();
    console.log("id " +;
    signedTransaction = JSON.stringify(trObj);
    const request = {};
    request['chainType'] = chainType;
    request['toExternalAddress'] = user_real_address;
    request['trObj'] = signedTransaction;
    request['chainContractAddress'] = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
    // next step is POST request to /transaction/withdraw endpoint

POST /transaction/transfer 申请转账


参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
trObj true string 带有序列化后的签名信息的transfer的transaction
事务参数名称 是否必须 类型 描述 默认值 取值范围
fee true uint128 创建transaction时需要的打包手续费BTT的数量,使用链上整数格式表示 300000000000000
from true string 转出币的用户名
to true string 接收币的用户名
asset_type true uint32 转出的币的id
amount true uint128 转出的币数量,使用链上整数格式表示


var bytetrade_js = require('../utils/bytetrade.min.js');
var test_userid='harvey1340';
var test_privatekey='682503fc0582ff940c7fe97ef48b49d18421e5668af5811c0b3f74cf21f33f54';

function transfer(to,asset,amount,message) {
    var tr = new bytetrade_js.TransactionBuilder();
    var ob = {
        fee: '300000000000000',
        from: test_userid,
        to: to,
        asset_type: asset,
        amount: amount

    tr.add_type_operation("transfer", ob);

    tr.timestamp = Math.ceil( / 1000);
    tr.validate_type = 0;
    if (!tr.signed) { tr.sign(); }
    var trObj = tr.toObject();
    console.log("id " +;
    signedTransaction = JSON.stringify(trObj);
    const request = {
        'trObj': signedTransaction,
    // next step is POST request to /transaction/transfer endpoint