Use this yeoman generator to help you create AngularJS applications based to works properly with the Altran Angular Library. Note that the library is optional.
If you're on Windows, do yourself a favor and use cmder instead of cmd.exe
Checkout this documentation to install it.
First, install Yeoman globally and the generator-cozen-angular globally using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-cozen-angular
Then generate your new project:
yo cozen-angular [--skip-install]
After the successful run of the app generator, you should ensure that all dependencies are properly installed.
Just run this command, which will also update the bower dependencies:
npm install
After that, your projects is ready.
You can start the local server:
grunt serve
For now, the link to altran-angular-lib
is private.
The grunt serve
task will not works and the dependencies will fail on install.
This is a temporary situation, the lib will be pushed to the public in a few.
Nevertheless the Altran Angular Lib dependency is optional so you can always use this generator.
To list all sub-generators and run them faster:
yo cozen-angular:help
To create or update a new generator config:
yo cozen-angular:config
To create a new view:
yo cozen-angular:view
To create a new service:
yo cozen-angular:service
To create a new controller:
yo cozen-angular:controller
To create a new filter:
yo cozen-angular:filter
To create a new constant:
yo cozen-angular:constant
To create a new provider:
yo cozen-angular:provider
To create a new state:
yo cozen-angular:state
To create a new directive:
yo cozen-angular:directive
Check out the Contributing file.
- Yeoman - The Web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
- Geoffrey Testelin - Front-End Developer - C0ZEN
You can also see me beautifully.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.