Please note that Cordova and Xamarin support for the SDK has been deprecated with release 2.1. The 2.1 release will be the last release with Cordova and Xamarin support. Please do not submit any new changes as they are no longer being accepted. Please contact Broadcom support to report any defects or make a request for an update. |
The Mobile SDK for Xamarin gives developers simple and secure access to the services of CA Mobile API Gateway. For more information about our mobile SDKs see developer website.
Check out our documentation for sample code and video tutorials.
The MAS SDK includes the following frameworks:
The compiled release binaries can be found here: Releases
The Sample Apps are located in the source repos. Links will take to latest released versions
- Have general questions or need help?, use Stack Overflow. (Tag 'massdk')
- Find a bug?, open an issue with the steps to reproduce it.
- Request a feature or have an idea?, open an issue.
Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. To learn more, see the Contribution Guidelines.
Copyright (c) 2019 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved.
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.