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Submitting Content

jonpas edited this page Dec 23, 2019 · 1 revision

CBA is intended to be managed by the CBA team, but actually contain the best work from the whole community.

By submitting content to CBA you are not giving up any rights for your work. CBA will not own the copyright to the original work and will give all proper credits for the work. CBA will give functions the CBA_fnc_ tag so they do not clash with any other versions of those functions used outside CBA.

Critera for new content

Appropriate for CBA?

  • CBA accepts only SQF functions and preprocessor macros as of this time. Extensions will not be accepted.
  • Content must be sufficiently generic to be useful to a significant proportion of developers. Nothing can be mod-specific, such as features purely usable by ACE3.
  • Sufficiently different to existing CBA or BI systems to make them worthwhile additions (in some cases, merging of features may be possible).

If you want to know if something is appropriate, please ask us.

Quality Standards

Not only must the submission be fit for purpose, but it must also adhere to certain standards:

  • Formatted header so our automated systems can read it.
  • Clearly laid out code that is easy to read and maintain (e.g. _numberOfTanks is preferred over _t as a variable name).
  • Proper use of private variables in functions.
  • Provide [unit tests](unit tests).
  • Use CBA and/or BI functions where possible, to avoid repeating code.

The less work that the CBA developers need to do to bring a submission in line with these standards, the more likely that a submission will be accepted. However, please ensure that the content you wish to submit is appropriate for CBA before doing a lot of work to conform to these standards. If a submission is not up to standard, then we can either explain what is lacking or help you to bring it up to standard.