Container for executing all R-based scripts and for the CDC CLIA version of Cecret.
Prior to version 2.0, all R-based scripts and execute within this custom Singularity container from the outside. As of version 2.0, the scripts are included in the container.
- All
- Singularity v.3.7.3+
- Build
- Cecret/configs/singularity-r.def: the Singularity definition file for the container
- Sudo permissions on the host machine where the build is occurring (note AJW has been building on her Linux subsystem for Windows)
- Test
- Singularity container (*.sif) built from Cecret/configs/singularity-r.def
- From repo: Cecret/bin/report/test_r_container.R or from container: /opt/test_r_container.R
- Execute as a part of the Cecret pipeline
- Singularity container (*.sif) built from Cecret/configs/singularity-r.def
- Sequencing run ID
- Cecret analysis directory full path on host system
- Sequencing run directory full path on host system
- To build container
- You must build from Cecret/configs in the cloned repo in order for the paths referenced in the def file to be valid.
sudo singularity build singularity-YourContainerName.sif singularity-r.def
- To test container manually (does not require sudo)
singularity exec --bind /mnt,</path/to/host/directory/containing/all/files/required/for/analysis> <singularity_container_name.sif> Rscript test_r_container.R
- Note that as of v1.1 this script is automatically run as a part of the build process (see %test section in def file).
- To run container (does not require sudo)
- Note
- As of v2.0 each script is installed in the container as a separate app and must be called individually as a part of the pipeline.
- The mount point in the host directory tree must be high enough to include all required input files and output locations below it.
singularity --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> run --app orf_table <singularity_container_name.sif> <runID> <analysisDirFP>
singularity --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> run --app append_tables <singularity_container_name.sif> <analysisDirFP> <file1FP> <file2FP>
singularity --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> run --app report <singularity_container_name.sif> <runID> <analysisDirFP> <seqDirFP>
- Definitions
- = Sequencing run ID (string)
- = Cecret output directory full path (string)
- = Full path to sequencing run full path (string)
- = Table file 1 with path for append_tables.R (string)
- = Table file 2 with path for append_tables.R (string)
- Note
- To access help files
- Container:
singularity run-help <singularity-container-name.sif>
- Individual scripts:
singularity run-help --app <appName> <singularity-container-name.sif>
- Container: