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05 Feb 02:59
**Primarily, GLuaTest now supports a variety of different repo types:** - Typical addon format, with a `lua/` dir in the root - Gamemode format, with `gamemode/`, `entities/` dirs in the root - "Full server" format, with a `garrysmod/` dir at the root **GLuaTest now ships two runner images, one for `live` branch, and one for `x86-64`** This means that you can run your test on **either/both** branch(es) depending on your use case :thumbsup: - Allow tests in `gamemode/tests/` directories as well - Changed the way that files are mounted to the runner image. Instead of mounting specific files, you now mount a directory in the format of the standard `garrysmod/` dir - This means you can easily mount things into `lua/bin/` _(or anywhere else)_ - Added the `GLuaTest_EnvCreated` / `GLuaTest_AsyncEnvCreated` hooks to allow users to modify generated test environments **Some smaller devops-y changes:** - When building the GLuaTest runner image, now use a CFC-hosted `steamcmd` base image - _This seems to improve Github Actions build speed by about 25%_ - Lock GLuaTest addon version to the built image version. This means you'll get a consistent behavior if you pin your GLuaTest version - The provided GLuaTest addon version string is saved to `addons/gluatest/data_static/gluatest_version.txt` on build - should be available to read during a test run as well - Removed the `docker/base_requirements.txt` file, as it wasn't necessary anymore. Custom requirements remain available - Changed the hosted server name from `Test server` to `GLuaTest Server` _(shouldn't have any impact on anything)_ - Set `developer 1` during test output. This can be overridden in a custom config if it's too noisy for your use case