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Sebastien Loriot edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 13 revisions

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The CGAL Project is applying as a mentoring organization of the Google Summer of Code 2025. On this page we present some project ideas as well the information applicants have to provide us. GSoC applicants are welcome to propose other ideas and check if a mentor is interested in supervising it. For new project proposals, contact us at

GSoC 2025 Projects

Enhancing the 2D Regularized Boolean Operation Demo

Mentor: Efi Fogel

Project description: The new demonstration program of the "2D Regularized Boolean Operations" package demonstrates various operations on polygons, such as, union, intersection, and Minkowski sum. It also demonstrates the application of several operations in a pipeline fashion. The demo has not been published yet; it requires a few enhancements, such as the support of Boolean operations on general polygons bounded by non-linear curves.

Required Skills: Qt6, geometry, code development tools (e.g., git), and C++14 proficiency


Duration: 350h

Manifold Meshing with Guaranteed Smallest Edge Length

Mentor: Martin Skrodzki, Sven Oesau

Project description: Point cloud meshing is an important topic present in different fields of research and various applications such as reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, or architecture. While CGAL currently provides different meshing options via a Poisson approach, an Advancing Front algorithm, or a scale-space technique, the implemented solutions do not come with a guarantee on the output. Therefore, we propose the implementation of an algorithm that provides a guarantee for the output mesh to be both manifold and adhere to a minimum edge length. The latter contributes to triangle quality as it prevents slivers and other malformed triangles.

We propose to implement the algorithm as an additional option for meshing point sets with CGAL. The project can be extended to use the algorithm also for remeshing of existing meshes to improve their quality. Further, a preliminary feature detection step can be implemented to make the algorithm feature-preserving. These additional steps would make the algorithm a 350h project.


Required Skills: C++17, Geometry Processing, Mesh Processing, Point Cloud Processing


Duration: 175h (or 350h when also doing remeshing)

Tetrahedral Isotropic Remeshing Parallelization

Mentor: Jane Tournois

Project description:

The goal of this project is to parallelize the code of the Tetrahedral Remeshing algorithm available in CGAL. This multi-material tetrahedral remeshing algorithm [2] is based on local and atomic operations such as edge collapse, edge split and edge flip, that could be performed in parallel to improve the performances of the code. The 3D Triangulations [3] and Tetrahedral Mesh Generation package [4] provide a framework to implement mesh operations concurrently. The same framework will be used to parallelize the remeshing algorithm, with the Intel TBB library [5].


Required Skills: C++17, Mesh Processing, Computational Geometry, Parallelism with TBB


Duration: 350h

Enhanced Dual Contouring

Mentor: Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Pierre Alliez

Project description:

A previous GSoC launched the process of adding classic contouring methods to CGAL: Marching Cubes and Dual Contouring. This packaged is about to be finalized and will be integrated soon into CGAL ( Many enhancements exist for the Dual Contouring method to improve its robustness: placement of the dual point, improved conditioning of the SVD matrices, or on-the-fly refinement of the underlying grid [1]. Another aspect is speed, as a grid structure is well adapted to GPU computation.

The project will first focus on manifold contouring methods and robustness in standard C++. If there is time and the candidate has the required skills, we can also explore runtime aspects and the conversion to a GPU implementation. If there is time and the candidate does not have the required skills, we shall explore the implementation of other contouring methods such as Dual Marching Cubes [2].


Required Skills: C++17, Dual Contouring, linear algebra / quadric error metrics, possibly GPU algorithms


Duration: 350h

Topological Filtering of Features in Triangle Meshes

Mentor: Sebastien Loriot

Project description:

Remeshing algorithms in CGAL requires the proper extraction of sharp features so that they can be represented in the output mesh (like here for example). Classical method to detect sharp features are based on collecting edges with sharp dihedral surface angles. However, depending on the quality of the input mesh, some noisy edges might be detected, or some edges might be detected. To workaround these issues, it might be interesting to rely on tools from Topological Data Analysis, like for example persistence. Indeed, extra data or missing data are all related to a notion of scale at which the problem is looked at. The goal of this project is to implement such a strategy for provide curated feature edge graph to the meshing algorithm of CGAL. If time allows, extension to detection of significant handles might also be looked at.


Required Skills: C++17, Mesh Processing, Topological Data Analysis


Duration: 350h

Improving ARAP in CGAL

Mentor: Mael Rouxel-Labbé

Project description:

As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) surface modeling is one of the most well known approach for deformation of surfaces. It has been implemented in CGAL, within the Surface Mesh Deformation package ( Since the original paper (Sorkine & Alexa, 2007 - As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Modeling), which is implemented in CGAL, a number of improvements have been proposed. The goal of this project is to investigate these improvements, and enhance the CGAL implementation. Another direction of interest is the extension of the ARAP formulation to the setting of volume deformation of tetrahedral meshes.


Required Skills: C++17, linear algebra


Duration: 350h

Extending 2D Arrangement Drawings

Mentor: Efi Fogel

Project description: The "2D Arrangement" package partially supports limited drawing of a 2D arrangements. The goal of this project is extend the capabilities of 2D arrangement drawing. In particular:

  1. The drawing is limited. An instance of the the Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel> template can be used to represent 2D arrangements on the plane. The 2D Arrangement package supports ten traits classes that can substitute the Traits parameter. A traits class determines the family of curves that induce the arrangement, e.g., Bezier curves. Currently, arrangement induced by curves of several families cannot be drawn.
  2. The drawing is inefficient and should be optimized.
  3. The drawing of arrangements induced by geodesic arcs on the sphere in 3D is deficient. Currently only the curves are drawn (and the faces are not). The Earth demo exhibit some drawing of such arrangements, but it applies a trick that restricts the drawing to faces that do not cross the equator of the sphere. Addressing this item requires knowledge and experience in 3D graphics.

Required Skills: Qt6 and 3D graphics, geometry, code development tools (e.g., git), and C++17 proficiency


Duration: 350h

Information Candidates Should Supply

The application process has several steps. Before contacting anybody verify that you are eligible (Check section 7.1 of the official rules). The next step is to contact the mentor of the project you are interested in. You have to convince him that you are the right person to get the job done. The next step is to work out more details and to contact the mentoring organization by providing the following information by email to

  • Project:

    • Select a project in the list and provide your personal and detailed description. If you wish to work on another idea of your own, we are pretty open as long as this serves the goal of consolidating CGAL as a whole.
    • Provide a proposal of a technical solution with your envisioned methodology. The more detailed the better.
    • Explain how the solution will be available to the user, in which form. Do not forget the documentation, unitary tests and cross-platform aspects.
    • Provide a realistic schedule with objectives (one every two weeks for example) and deadlines. Focus on mid-term objectives as well as on the final evaluation.
  • Personal data:

    • First name, last name, affiliation and geographical location.
    • A brief list of the main studies and programming courses attended, with ranking.
    • List of the most important software projects contributed and success.
    • Which are your best skills in terms of programming and scientific computing?
    • In general what is your taste in terms of programming? language, methodology, team work, etc.
    • Is there anything that prevents you from working full time on the project during the program period?
    • How do you see your involvement after the program ends? Do you see yourself pushing the project further, or do you see yourself contributing to other CGAL projects?
    • Are you more interested in the theory/scientific aspect of CGAL, or do you feel more like a hacker?
    • What are your long-term wishes in terms of job?

Previous Project Ideas and Successful Projects

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