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JSONLine data container with command line utility.


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JSONLine container

This repository contains a command-line tool and a library that can handle JSONLine format.


  • preserve order of keys
  • format values to valid JSON types : string, numeric, boolean
  • handle specific format that are not part of the JSON specification : binary, datetime, time, timestamp
  • read JSON lines with specific underlying var type (e.g. store the binary string read from JSON inside a int64)
  • validate format of input lines

Command Line Usage

Order keys and enforce format of JSON lines.

  jl [flags]

  jl -t '{"first":"string","second":"string"}' <dirty.jsonl

  -t, --template string    row template definition (-t {"name":"format"} or -t {"name":"format(type)"}) or -t {"name":"format(type):format"})
                           possible formats : string, numeric, boolean, binary, datetime, time, timestamp, auto, hidden
                           possible types : int, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, float64, float32, bool, byte, rune, string, []byte, time.Time, json.Number (default "{}")
  -f, --filename string    name of row template filename (default "./row.yml")
  -v, --verbosity string   set level of log verbosity : none (0), error (1), warn (2), info (3), debug (4), trace (5) (default "error")
      --debug              add debug information to logs (very slow)
      --log-json           output logs in JSON format
      --color string       use colors in log outputs : yes, no or auto (default "auto")
  -h, --help               help for jl
      --version            version for jl

Example use case

Look at this file.

{"title":"Jurassic Park", "year":1993, "release-date": 739828800}
{"year":1999, "release-date": "922910400", "title":"The Matrix", "running-time":136}
{"title":"Titanic", "running-time":"195", "release-date": "1997-12-19T08:00:00-04:00", "director":"James Cameron"}

Let's define a template in a configuration file named row.yml, it will help organize columns.

- name: "title"
- name: "director"
- name: "year"
  output: "numeric"
- name: "running-time"
  output: "numeric"
- name: "release-date"
  output: "datetime"

Use the jl command line to enforce line format.

$ jl <movies.jsonl
{"title":"Jurassic Park","director":null,"year":1993,"running-time":null,"release-date":"1993-06-11T22:00:00+02:00"}
{"title":"The Matrix","director":null,"year":1999,"running-time":136,"release-date":"1999-03-31T22:00:00+02:00"}
{"title":"Titanic","director":"James Cameron","year":null,"running-time":195,"release-date":"1997-12-19T08:00:00-04:00"}

Finally, let's improve output display a bit with mlr.

$ jl <movies.jsonl | mlr --j2p --barred cat
| title         | director      | year | running-time | release-date              |
| Jurassic Park | -             | 1993 | -            | 1993-06-11T22:00:00+02:00 |
| The Matrix    | -             | 1999 | 136          | 1999-03-31T22:00:00+02:00 |
| Titanic       | James Cameron | -    | 195          | 1997-12-19T08:00:00-04:00 |

Columns definition can also be defined by argument in command line, using the -t flag (or --template).

# give the same result as previous command
jl -t '{"title":"","director":"","year":"numeric","running-time":"numeric","release-date":"datetime"}' <movies.jsonl

Sub rows use case

A row definition can contain sub rows.

- name: "title"
- name: "director"

# this is a sub-row definition, it will be added if missing from the input
- name: "producer"
    - name: "first-name"
    - name: "last-name"
# template version
jl -t '{"title":"string","director":"","producer":{"first_name":"","last_name":""}}' <movies.jsonl

Specify the underlying struct

Check this file, it stores int64 integers in binary format.


But one of the lines is invalid (3rd line can't be an integer 64bit because it's only 5 bytes).

$ # this command doesn't catch the invalid value
$ jl -t '{"value":"binary"}' < file.jsonl
$ # this command will catch the invalid value because the value will be cast to int64
$ jl -t '{"value":"binary(int64)"}' < file.jsonl
3:54PM ERR failed to process JSON line error="can't import type []uint8 to int64 format: unable to cast value to int64: []uint8([104 101 108 108 111])" line-number=2
# same effect but with YAML configuration
  - name: "value"
    output: "binary(int64)"

Valid types are : int, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, float64, float32, bool, byte, rune, string, []byte, time.Time, json.Number

Specify a different format between input and output

  # this column will be read as a datetime, and written as a timestamp
  - name: "release-date"
    input: "datetime"
    output: "timestamp"
{"release-date": 739828800}
{"release-date": "922910400"}
{"release-date": "1997-12-19T08:00:00-04:00"}
$ jl <movies.jsonl

Library Usage

Check the examples folder.

Import the package

// Add in your go file
import ""

Create rows

A row is like a map, it store key/value pairs, but you decide how it will output the values in JSON. Different format options are available : String, Numeric, DateTime, Time, Timestamp, Binary, ...

row := jsonline.NewRow()
row.Set("address", jsonline.NewValueString("123 Main Street, New York, NY 10030"))
row.Set("last-update", jsonline.NewValueDateTime(time.Now()))

But, unlike a map, the keys will always appear in the order of insertion. Dates and times will be formatted to RFC3339.

// Will print : {"address":"123 Main Street, New York, NY 10030","last-update":"2021-09-25T08:51:10+02:00"}

Enforce format with templates

A template defines a JSONLine structure.

template := jsonline.NewTemplate().WithString("name").WithNumeric("age").WithDateTime("birthdate")

The template can create rows for you, give it either a map, or a slice. Keys order and format will be enforced for every rows created from the template.

person1, err := template.CreateRow([]interface{}{"Dorothy", 30, time.Date(1991, time.September, 24, 21, 21, 0, 0, time.UTC)})
if err == nil {
    fmt.Println(person1) // {"name":"Dorothy","age":30,"birthdate":"1991-09-24T21:21:00Z"}

Templates can contains sub templates, to nest JSON objects.

template = template.WithRow("house", jsonline.NewTemplate().WithString("address").WithDateTime("last-update"))
person1.Set("house", row)
fmt.Println(person1) // {"name":"Dorothy","age":30,"birthdate":"1991-09-24T21:21:00Z","house":{"address":"123 Main Street, New York, NY 10030","last-update":"2021-09-25T09:22:54+02:00"}}

Standard Go interface Marshaler and Unmarshaler are supported.

b, err := person1.MarshalJSON()
fmt.Println(string(b)) // same result as fmt.Println(person1)

person2 := jsonline.NewRow()

fmt.Println(person2) // same result as fmt.Println(person1)

Extra field that are not defined in the template will appear at the end of the JSONLine.

person3, err := template.CreateRow(map[string]interface{}{"name":"Alice", "extra":true, "age":17, "birthdate":time.Date(2004, time.June, 15, 21, 8, 47, 0, time.UTC)})
if err == nil {
    fmt.Println(person3) // {"name":"Alice","age":17,"birthdate":"2004-06-15T21:08:47Z","extra":true}
} else {
    fmt.Println("ERROR:", err)

Read and write JSONLine

An exporter will write objects as JSON lines into os.Writer.

exporter := jsonline.NewExporter(os.Stdout).WithTemplate(template) // or template.GetExporter(os.Stdout)
exporter.Export([]interface{}{"Dorothy", 30, time.Date(1991, time.September, 24, 21, 21, 0, 0, time.UTC)})
exporter.Export([]interface{}{"Alice", 17, time.Date(2004, time.June, 15, 21, 8, 47, 0, time.UTC)})

An importer will read JSON lines from os.Reader.

for importer := template.GetImporter(os.Stdin); importer.Import(); { // or importer := jsonline.NewImporter(os.Stdin).WithTemplate(template)
    row, err := importer.GetRow()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("an error occurred!", err)
    } else {

A streamer will process JSON lines from os.Reader to os.Writer.

importer := template.GetImporter(os.Stdin)
exporter := template.GetExporter(os.Stdout)

streamer := jsonline.NewStreamer(importer, exporter)


Copyright (C) 2021 CGI France

JL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

JL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the LICENSE file for more information.

Some files contains a GPL linking exception to allow linking of modules that are not derived from or based on this library (everything under pkg folder).


JSONLine data container with command line utility.




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