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Breno A edited this page May 16, 2024 · 1 revision

PRP-Preprocessor Inputs and Default Values

PRP-Preprocessor is a GitHub Action that replaces variables in files. It has several inputs that you can configure to suit your needs. Here's a detailed overview of these inputs and their default values:



The root directory where the action should look for files.

Default: "." (current directory)


The extension of the files to preprocess.

Default: ".prp"


The commit message to use when committing changes. Here are the possible variables that can be used in the commit message:

extension This variable represents the extension of the files to process. It is defined in the extension input of the action.

rootDir This variable represents the root directory where the action should look for files. It is defined in the rootDir input of the action.

amount This variable represents the number of files found with the specified extension. It is calculated during the execution of the action.

For example, if the commit message is Processed {_amount_} .{_extension_} files in {_rootDir_}, it will be replaced with "Processed 10 .prp files in ./src", assuming there are 10 .prp files in the ./src directory.

Please note that these variables are case-sensitive

Default: "chore: process {_amount_} PRP files"


The user email to use for the commit.

Default: ""


The user name to use for the commit.

Default: "CI Friends"


The encoding of the files to process.

Default: "utf8"


Variables to ignore during preprocessing.

Default: "" (no variables are ignored)


Directories to ignore during file search.

Default: "" (no directories are ignored)

However, the PRP-Preprocessor has a set of directories that are ignored by default:

  • node_modules
  • .git
  • .github
  • __tests__
  • .vscode
  • .idea


Whether to include subdirectories during file search.

Default: "true"