This repository contains some sample code and documents exploring a Trust Registry implementation rooted in the DNS. It uses a live DID (see did.txt
) and 2 DNS zones,
, as the basis for what such an implementation may look and function like.
Please checkout the .ppt for a more detailed walkthrough of the DNS based Trust Registry implementation. It was originally presented by Jacques Latour at ICANN76.
The sample code can be found in
To execute the demo script please run python3
and paste the DID did:sov:danube:XWfvq6uyAjBUbg4hBBP3vM
at the first prompt.
You may need to install some less common python packages to run the demo:
pip3 install cryptography py-multibase base58 jwcrypto dnspython
DIG commands for the DNS records:
To query the DID URI record from the command line:
dig URI +dnssec +multi
To query the DID TLSA records from the command line:
dig TLSA +dnssec +multi
To query the Trust Registry URI record from the command line:
dig URI +dnssec +multi
To query the Trust Regsitry TLSA record from the command line:
dig TLSA +dnssec +multi