Interacting with the Star Wars API
Do you want to have a Star Wars Database inside a Docker Postgres Container in your computer? Then look no further!
To make it work simply clone the repo and run: docker-compose up -d --build
It will run 2 containers, one with a postgres Database and another with a python script that will scrappe the SWAPI.
In this mini-project I wanted to get all information from the Star Wars API using a six degrees of seperation approach. The program will start with Luke Skywalker and get all his connections to films, starships, planets, etc. Then for each connection I will get their connections and so on and so forth. This way I will end up with all the elements and their details from the Star Wars API with needing to know them beforehand.
May the force be with you!
Carl K
Special thank to Snorre for this great idea
PASSWORD: "pass"
USER: postgres
DBNAME: postgres
HOSTD: localhost:5432