Fullstack Javascript Book Club App
See the app running here.
Book Club is a fullstack JavaScript implementation of a book sharing website utilizing PostgreSQL, Express, Node.js and the Google Books and Facebook APIs. The app is deployed with NGINX on Heroku. Fufilling the FreeCodeCamp project requirements:
- Users can view all books posted by every user.
- After logging in, users can add their own books to the club.
- Users can update their profiles with their name, city and state.
- Users can propose trades to other users and wait for a response (accept, reject).
In order to use Pinclone, you must have the following installed:
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku CLI(optional)
- PGAdmin (optional)
Clone GitHub Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/CLClark/fcc-book-club.git your-project
This will install the Pinclone components into the your-project
To enable NGINX to act as proxy server on your Heroku dyno, add the following Buildpack: https://github.com/CLClark/heroku-buildpack-nginx.git
Also, you will need to set the following environmental variables in your Heroku dyno with:
heroku config:set KEY=VALUE
- ZOO_COOKIE_SECRET (create a server-side secret hash for session management)
- FACEBOOK_KEY (from your Facebook app credentials)
- FACEBOOK_SECRET(from your Facebook app credentials)
- API_KEY(from your Facebook app credentials)
- APP_URL (ex: https://my-heroku-dyno.herokuapp.com)
- DATABASE_URL (your PostgreSQL single line access URL; includes username, password, database url, etc.)
- LOCAL = ('true' if you are running on localhost instead of heroku, otherwise: false )
- PORT (if running locally; ex: '8080')
If you are running this app locally instead of Heroku, save these variables to your server's .env file.
Use the SQL statements within postgres-sql.sql, substituting your own username to create the required tables:
- books
- ownership
- users
- session
- trades
and trigger functions:
- tradesCancel
- tsv_trigger
Book Club also requires the pgcrypto PostgreSQL module, be sure to install or add it to your PostgreSQL instance.
This is an open-source project to fufill FreeCodeCamp project requirements, contributions are welcome, simply send me a note on Github.
You can find a complete step-by-step tutorial on how to create this app from the ground up here.
- **Chris L Clark ** - Initial work - CLClark
Apache License 2.0. Click here for more information.