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Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Taylor Zowtuk edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Type of Meeting: Retrospective & Planning Meeting

Attendees: Taylor, Josh, Grayson, Adrian, David, Fatih

Individual - Assigned User Stories:

Taylor - US 01.01.01 (Mood class and add fragment), US 06.01.01, US 01.04.01

Josh - US 05.03.01, US 01.02.01, US 05.02.01

Grayson - US 04.01.01, MainActivity, US 01.03.01

Adrian - US 03.01.01, User Profile Class, US 05.01.01

David - Login activity, creating a user object and sending to firebase, authentication/splash

Fatih - US 06.02.01, US 06.03.01, US 04.02.01

General Comments:


Everyone needs to be listening and contributing to scrum sessions. Cant have people not listening to the TA and working on other stuff.

Everyone needs to give feedback for the parts.

Need to communicate better. Going into the review scrum everyone's parts should be done and should be only minor touch ups like the comments and multiplicity thing. Cant show up to the review and have incomplete work and catch the group off guard. It's okay to be struggling to complete a part and need help but we need to communicate that much earlier know much so that we all know and can plan how to handle it better.

On the postivie side the quality of everyones work looked high.


Need to nail down a set of emotions and back it up with scientific reasoning.

2,3,4,6: Everyone do all these sections for the particular user storys they are assigned.

5: Might be the tricky part of this assignment.

6: In issues you are working on reference pull requests that are related to incorporating your work. Add notes to issues whenever you are stuck or make big progress. Reference commits.

9: That demo meeting could be the review but that means we certainly need to have everything complete and fully integrated well before going into that.

Use dummy functions to not use up all our requests.

Need to add issue for: Login: login activity, creating a user object and sending to firebase, authentication/splash User class. Main activity layout. Sorting functionality from filter fragment output. (no one working on it yet)

Created firebase project.


Still need to ask our clarifications. Whoever is assigned an issue will ask the clarifications regarding that issue.