As of March 7, 2021 we are no longer collecting new data. Learn about available federal data.
This repository contains Florida's vital statistics data on a weekly basis, collected since June here: I pull my data weekly from Florida's vital statistics website, This repository contains data for three different categories spanning multiple years and stratified by region and demographics.
113 All causes | Totals for each WHO ICD 113 cause of death category with subtotals from 1970-2021. |
ethnicity | Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown |
race | White, Black, Other, Unknown |
sex | Male, Female, Unknown |
113 other and unspecified COVID | Florida mixes COVID deaths in the "unspecified parasitic infection and their sequelae" category. |
race | White, Black, Other, Unknown |
ethnicity | Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown |
age | 5-year age grouping |
113 symptoms signs abnormal | R00-R99 category from 2010-2021. |
age | 5-year age grouping |
ethnicity | Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown |
race | White, Black, Other, Unknown |
sex | Male, Female, Unknown |
totals | County totals |
Medical Examiners Report | Medical Examiner commissioner's report from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. |
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 20200811 | includes demographic data and death narratives for every COVID death up through mid-August, when the Florida medical examines asked to cede jurisdiction over COVID deaths due to lack of processing personnel available. The counties listed represent the deceased's county of death, not residence. |
Florida Medical Examiner Districts | Florida medical examiner district map per FDLE |
Data definitions | contains correspondence with FDOH re: data storage categories, race/ethnicity category coding |
CodebookDEATHQUERY | The FlHealthCharts Death Query system codebook |
Death reporting post August 11 | Flowchart developed in collaboration with Dr. Nelson, Florida's chief medical examiner, that show the mortality data pipeline for Florida after August 11. |
Death reporting prior to August 11 | Flowchart developed in collaboration with Dr. Nelson, Florida's chief medical examiner, that show the mortality data pipeline for Florida prior to August 11. |
Documentation of COVID data storage | FDOH statement on which ICD 11/358 cause categories COVID vital statistics data is stored. |
FDOH morbidity data | flowchart for FDOH morbidity data distribution |
Race and ethnicity coding | FDOH statement on race and ethnicity coding |
August, 2020: There is a gap in data in August because the Florida Health CHARTS system was taken offline for renovation. For 2 months afterwards, data slicing for race, ethnicity, and age was halted in some categories due to the unusuability of the system. It has now been resolved and data is collecting as before.
Jan 10, 2021 Provisional 2021 data is now displayed. 2020 data is still provisional.