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How contributors are credited

Sergei Night edited this page Mar 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Why This Page Exists

This has been an informal process for a long time, I just listed the contributions in an order that "made sense to me", which, as it turns out, is a rather complicated process! The contributor list of CQUI has become sufficiently long that I now feel the need to lay these out in more concrete terms, so that things aren't just this way or that way "because I say so". Consider this a loose guideline that is subject to change over time and always open to discussion -chaorace

The Basics

There are two different files where contributors are officially recognized in CQUI: "cqui.modinfo" and "README.MD". This is because the README is the first file users see during the install process and the modinfo file is the manifest the game proper looks to for displaying information pertaining to the mod. The conventions for these two files are different by necessity, as the modinfo file is a much less flexible place than the README file. These two files are updated on a best-effort basis.

A Quick Q&A

Q: Can I credit myself for my changes as I add them?

A: Yes! It's entirely acceptable to add yourself to the credits if you so desire. Just do your best to follow the rules presented here and keep in mind your credit may be rewritten or moved during the next contributor pass to better work with the guidelines lain out here

Q: Can I credit myself elsewhere?

A: Yes! There's no problem with adding your name into the code comments or something similar. Just remember to apply common sense, not take credit for other's work, and to always use descriptive names (which pretty much takes naming variables or files after yourself off the table)

Q: What does "best effort" mean?

A: I know it sounds silly, but updating the contributor list is actually a pretty involved and thoughtful process. There's just a lot of things to consider when determining things like included handles, phrasing, and order! Because of this, and also my limited free time, the best I can promise is a genuine best effort on my end.

Q: These rules still seem pretty arbitrary...

A: Yeah, I think pretty much anything that's not strictly in some kind of quantifiable order (like chronological or alphabetical) is going to include an element of arbitration. That being said, I think the tradeoff of recognizing our real star players for their hard work is worth it.

README General

  • Contributors are listed at the end of the README under the "THANKS" section
  • The listed contributor handle(s) are based upon which handle that contributor primary goes by. In most cases, this defaults to the Github handle. However, if it's clear to me that a contributor primarily goes by another handle or lacks a Github handle entirely, I will do my best to research the most appropriate available handle for that person.
  • In general, I try to be specific when crediting a contributor for their work, but sometimes I will instead just credit them for resolving a ticketed issue if I feel there is no way to properly describe the contribution briefly
  • The basic rule of thumb is that contributors are sorted into specific groups/subgroups and then placed chronologically (based upon their first contribution of any kind) within that group respective to the other members of that specific grouping.

README Ordering

  • ALWAYS FIRST: @Vans163 for his original QUI mod
  • Category 1: Mod Integrations
    • There are two subgroups: currently updated mods and CQUI-supported mods
      • Currently updated mods are actively supported by their original creators and those changes eventually trickle down into CQUI as well. Since this is the more involved category, it appears first
      • CQUI-supported mods are no longer actively supported by their original creators and have been since absorbed into CQUI. This means the responsibility for new features, bug fixes, and keeping the integrations updated with the latest patch falls upon the CQUI contributors.
      • Each subcategory contains a single bullet per contributor, even if multiple mods from the same author are integrated
  • Category 2: Localizers
    • I consider Localizers to be incredibly important to CQUI, as they possess a rare skill which considerably widens the potential audience for this mod.
  • Category 3: Major Contributors
    • Contributors that provide a considerable number of contributions fall within this category
    • What defines a "considerable number" is somewhat arbitrary and subject to inflate over time
  • Category 4: Multi-Issue Contributors
    • Contributors that have provided at least two contributions fall within this category
  • Category 5: Single-Issue Contributors
    • Contributors who've only offered a single contribution fall here
    • There are two subcategories: Single-Issue Feature Contributors and Single-Issue Bugfix Contributors
      • "Features" are contributions which could generally be considered new additions to the game (These tend to be labelled "Enhancement" in the issue tracker)
      • "Bugfixes" are contributions which fix an existing issue in the game or mod (These tend to be labelled "Bug" in the issue tracker)
      • The Feature Contributor subcategory is featured first, while the Bugfix Contributor subcategory is featured second

Modinfo Ordering

There are only two categories in the modinfo: Authors and SpecialThanks. Authors is for most contributors except localizers. SpecialThanks is for those who contribute their mods to be integrated into CQUI, localizers, and @Vans163. The ordering is always chronological