Variability Analyses of multiple populations: Calculation and estimation of statistics and neutrality tests.
Sebastian E. Ramos-Onsins, Luca Ferretti, Emanuele Raineri, Giacomo Marmorini, William Burgos, Joan Jene and Gonzalo Vera
-f [input format file: ms, fasta OR tfa (gz file indexed)]
-i [path and name of the input file]
-o [output format file: 0 (extended),
1 (single line/window),
2 (single line SFS/window),
3 (dadi-like format),
4 (single line pairwise distribution)
5 (single line freq. variant per line/window)
6 (SNP genotype matrix)
7 (SweepFiinder format -only first pop-)
8 (single line/window: Frequency of each haplotype in the populations)
9 (single line/window: Frequency of variants per line and population)
92 (single line/window: -rSFS- Frequency of variants per population relative to all)
10 (full extended)]
-N [#_pops] [#samples_pop1] ... [#samples_popN]
-n [name of the file containing the name(s) of scaffold(s) and their length (separated by a tab), one per line (ex. fai file)]
-T [path and name of the output file]. DEFAULT stdout.
-G [outgroup (0/1)] (last population). DEFAULT 0.
-u [include unknown positions (0/1)]. DEFAULT 0.
-A [Alternative Spectrum File (Only for Optimal Test): alternative_spectrum for each population (except outg)
File format: (average absolute values) header plus fr(0,1) fr(0,2) ... fr(0,n-1) theta(0)/nt,
fr(1,1) fr(1,2) ... fr(1,n-1) theta(1)/nt...]
-S [Null Spectrum File (only if -A is defined): null_spectrum for each population (except outg).
(average absolute values) header plus fr(0,1) fr(0,2) ... fr(0,n-1) theta(0)/nt,
fr(1,1) fr(1,2) ... fr(1,n-1) theta(1)/nt...]. DEFAULT SNM.
Optional Parameters for fasta and tfa input files:
-O [#_nsam] [number order of first sample, number 0 is the first sample] [second sample] ...etc. up to nsamples.
DEFAULT current order.
-t [# permutations per window (H0: Fst=0). Only available with option -u 0]. DEFAULT 0.
-s [seed]. DEFAULT 123456.
-w [window size].
-W [file with the coordinates of each window [scaffold init end] (instead options -w and -z).
DEFAULT one whole window.
-z [slide size (must be a positive value)]. DEFAULT window size.
-Z [first window size displacement [for comparing overlapped windows])]. DEFAULT 0.
-Y [define window lengths in 'physical' positions (1) or in 'effective' positions (0)]. DEFAULT 1.
-E [input file with weights for positions:
include three columns with a header,
first the physical positions (1...end),
second the weight for positions and
third a boolean weight for the variant (eg. syn variant in nsyn counts is 0.000)].
DEFAULT all 1.000
-r [# ms iterations]. DEFAULT 1.
-m [include mask_filename] DEFAULT -1 (all positions included).
[mask_file format: 1st row with 'length' weights, next sample rows x lengths: missing 0, sequenced 1)].
DEFAULT no mask.
-v [ratio transitions/transversions]. DEFAULT 0.5.
-F [force analysis to include outgroup (0/1) (0 in ms means ancestral)]. DEFAULT 0.
-q [frequency of reverted mutation] (only with -F 1). DEFAULT 0.
-p [Number of lineages per sequence (1/2)]. DEFAULT 1.
-g [GFF_file]
[add also: coding,noncoding,synonymous,nonsynonymous,silent, others (or whatever annotated)]
[if 'synonymous', 'nonsynonymous', 'silent' add: Genetic_Code: Nuclear_Universal,mtDNA_Drosophila,mtDNA_Mammals,Other]
[if 'Other', introduce the code for the 64 triplets in the order UUU UUC UUA UUG ... etc.].
DEFAULT no annotation.
-c [in case use coding regions, criteria to consider transcripts (max/min/first/long)]. DEFAULT long.
-K [make a MASK file with the valid positions for this fasta. Useful for running ms simulations (1/0)]. DEFAULT 0.
-h [help and exit]
To create an index file for tfasta file use tfa_index
Note : if the tfasta file is in version 1, it will convert it to version 2 and create the index.
program also accepts weight files. In this case, it will create an index for the weight file and convert it to the correct format if needed.
Usage: tfa_index [options] <input.tfa|input.tfa.bgz|input.tfa.gz|weights.txt|weights.txt.gz>
--threads <int>
the input file is a weight file. In this case create and index for it. and convert it to the correct format
--output FILE set custom name to the output file, only used when converting from TFAv1 to TFAv2 or compressing the input file
Convertion example
tfa_index ./Examples/V0.1.0/100Kchr10.tfa.gz -o ./Examples/V1.0.0//100Kchr10.tfa.gz
Create an index example
tfa_index ./Examples/V1.0.0/100Kchr10.tfa.gz
# use -f to force create the index file if it already exists
tfa_index ./Examples/V1.0.0/100Kchr10.tfa.gz -f