The Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques is a Joint Research Unit of the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux.
The main research projects of the CRMSB are focused on MRI and its applications in biology and health. The laboratory is located at the interface of Engineering Sciences and Biological Sciences.
The CRMSB team developped sequence and reconstruction methods for Bruker Preclinical system and Siemens. For most of the MR sequence, a SEQUENCE TRANSFER AGREEMENT is required. Please contact us at :
- MP2RAGE+CS : Accelerated 3D T1 mapping :
- MESE_CS : Accelerated 3D T2 mapping :
- Self-Gated BSSFP :
- Setup for multi-parametric MRI in rat gastrocnemius during muscle stimulation :
- Accelerated 3D T1 mapping (MP2RAGE) :