This project is one of the required projects in the Udacity Data Analyst Degree. The goal of this project was to analyze local and global temperature data and compare the local temperature with global temperature.
It was a good Introduction to Data Analysis as it made us experience the Data Analysis cycle, like defining the problem and then gathering data for it, and visualizing it and then stating our observations.
- SQL : It was used to extract both Local & Global Temperatures as a .CSV file from the database provided by udacity.
- Excel : Was used to create the 7 - year moving average using the .csv file and creating a Line Chart.
- Project 1 - Explore Weather Trends.pdf : A PDF file that contains a full report on the project, which contains how the project was done, and my observations from the Line Chart.
- Global v.s. Riyadh.xlsx : Contains the 7-year moving average for both the Local & Global Temperatures, and the Line Chart.