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c4gh-transit is a plugin for Hashicorp Vault used for storing crypt4gh encrypted file headers, and re-encrypting them with ephemeral encryption keys.


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Vault Transit plugin for crypt4gh files

crypt4gh-vault-transit is a plugin for Hashicorp Vault extending the support of the existing Vault transit with proper support for crypt4gh files. It adds key management by project/user level separation, whitelisted download access by public key, automatic key generation for crypt4gh keys along with some other changes related to the file type. Plugin tries to re-use as much of the original plugin code as possible.

Download built binaries

Each git tag triggers a release build that compiles and uploads binaries to configured binary repository.

There are compiled binaries available for x86_64 linux systems from Artifactory, where you can download the latest version.

Note that it requires authentication to download.


The binary must be build for the platform it will run in. Even though that might be obvious, there is only Alpine official docker vault image, see source. And building locally in a development machine might not be compatible with the official image, there to be wider compability diabling CGO is used in building.

Note: the docker images will not cache dependencies and build assets over subsequent builds with the configuration given below.

Building for the local environment

mkdir -p vault/plugins
go build -v -o vault/plugins/c4ghtransit c4ghtransit/cmd/c4ghtransit/main.go

With the golang debian docker image

docker run --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --env XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp \
    -v ${PWD}/:/c4ghtransit \
    -w /c4ghtransit \
    golang:bullseye \
    go build -v -o /c4ghtransit/vault/plugins/c4ghtransit /c4ghtransit/c4ghtransit/cmd/c4ghtransit/main.go

Building for Alpine

With local environment, so the binary will be statically linked, and will use a golang implementation of the networking library.

CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags netgo -a -v -o output/c4ghtransit-alpine c4ghtransit/cmd/c4ghtransit/main.go

With the golang docker alpine image

docker run --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --env XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp \
    -v ${PWD}/:/c4ghtransit \
    -w /c4ghtransit \
    golang:1.21-alpine \
    go build -v -o /c4ghtransit/vault/plugins/c4ghtransit /c4ghtransit/c4ghtransit/cmd/c4ghtransit/main.go

Running with the vault server

In local environment

Install vault:

Then run the script provided to start a vault server with the plugin enabled and configured.


With docker Alpine image

The commands below assume that the plugin binary exists at ./vault/plugins/c4ghtransit

docker run --rm \
    --name=dev-vault \
    -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=devroot' \
    -e 'VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG={"storage": {"file": {"path": "/vault/data"}}, "disable_mlock": true, "ui": true}' -p 8200:8200 \
    -v ${PWD}/vault/plugins:/vault/plugins \
    hashicorp/vault:latest \
    server -dev -dev-plugin-dir=/vault/plugins


Login to dev server, and enable the plugin

export VAULT_ADDR=''
vault login token=devroot
vault secrets enable c4ghtransit

After this, you can e.g. create a new key with

vault write c4ghtransit/keys/test-user

Updating Vault Plugin

see what version is currently running

vault secrets list -detailed

copy the new binary to plugins folder

mv c4ghtransit-<version> /vault/plugins-folder
chmod +x /vault/plugins-folder/c4ghtransit-<version>
chown vault:vault /vault/plugins-folder/c4ghtransit-<version>

Artifactory provides checksums for their binaries. Select a binary from this page, find the checksum on the right-hand side, at the bottom under "Checksums".

Github Release also provides the artifacts for download.

Otherwise, calculate the checksum with sha256sum c4ghtransit-<version>.

register the plugin

vault plugin register -sha256=<checksum> -command=c4ghtransit-<version> -version=<version> secret c4ghtransit

vault secrets tune -plugin-version=<version> c4ghtransit

vault plugin reload -plugin c4ghtransit
vault secrets list -detailed


There are acceptance and stress tests, which run in Docker. They can be run with

go test -v ./c4ghtransit


The c4ghtransit plugin is well documented, having its api documented using Vault's plugin SDK. There are different ways to extract and visualize such information.

Vault API Explorer

Vault provides API docs generated in the OpenAPI format. You can access it by opening http://localhost:8200/ui/vault/tools/api-explorer in the browser. Login with the token devroot. In the filter textbox, write c4ghtransit to see only endpoints of the plugin.

C4ghtransit plugin OpenAPI JSON files

An OpenAPI json file can be generated by running ./dev-tools/ The file will be at dev-tools/openapi.json. You can copy its contents into the Swagger editor to visualize it.

Vault API help

Vault API provide help docs at

$ curl -sL \
-H "X-Vault-Token: devroot" \ | jq

Vault cli help

And the cli command path-help can also be used to get information about each path.


c4gh-transit is licensed under MIT license. Several sections that are licensed under MRL-2.0 have been flagged in the source code.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT AND MPL-2.0


c4gh-transit is a plugin for Hashicorp Vault used for storing crypt4gh encrypted file headers, and re-encrypting them with ephemeral encryption keys.




MIT, MPL-2.0 licenses found

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