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Build Status

The following information will help you to get yourself up and running with this project.

Please note, that this project is not done yet. There are still a few features to work on with probably some bugfixes yet to be discovered. Also there are not tests on everything, so this has to be done too before the release.

What you will need

Clone this repository

$ git clone


Branch Description
master is the main branch used for development
ready-to-release is always one commit ahead of master and contains some modifications for the release

Install PHP dependencies

$ composer install

Setup database access

After all dependencies are installed, an interactive prompt will ask you for configuration parameters to setup your database access.

Install client side dependencies

$ npm install

Build the assets

$ grunt

Prepare project for development

Action Command
Basic initialisation vendor/bin/phing init
Seed database with some dummy data vendor/bin/phing fixtures
Initialise and seed vendor/bin/phing init+fixtures

Development server

Action Command
Start bin/console server:start
Stop bin/console server:stop

The website will be accessible on http://localhost:8000 by default.

Log yourself in

If you have applied the fixtures you can use one of three prepared user accounts to log yourself in

Role Email Password
Administrator administrator
Moderator moderator
User user


$ vendor/bin/tester tests -p php -c tests/php.ini


Please see our contributing guidlines.


This source code is free software licensed under MIT license.