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Sean Purdon edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

Tutorial Format (.tut)

The .tut format is a simple directory-based format.

A valid .tut directory must contain the following files:


    • contains static analysis code
    • must define ANALYSER to contain a CodeAnalyser subclass
      • CodeAnalyser will be injected into the namespace when run
    • defines configuration information for the tutorial
    • SHORT_DESCRIPTION: a one-line explanation of the task, shown prominently on the UI
    • WRAP_STUDENT_CODE: True if the student is not writing a function; can be omitted otherwise
    • HINTS: a list of hints (as strings)
    • TIMEOUT: the maximum time to permit to run all tests and perform static analysis on the tutorial (optional)
  • description.html
    • the tutorial task description
    • the code which should be loaded into the MyPyTutor editor window when the tutorial is first run (or is reset)
    • any code in this file will be executed before testing the student's submission
    • use to define any required functions/classes
    • test cases for the student submission
    • must define TEST_CLASSES as a list of test case classes (not instances)
    • each test case must inherit from StudentTestCase
      • StudentTestCase will be injected into the namespace when run
      • test cases must define two class variables:
        • DESCRIPTION: a description of the test case, as a string, eg: add(1, 2) -> 3 or Does not modify input
        • MAIN_TEST: the name of the method corresponding to the description
      • test cases must contain at least one test method
        • output from this main test method will be shown to the student
        • additional methods may be added to prevent students simply writing code which retursn the right values to meet the visible tests
      • student code may be executed by calling self.run_student_code
        • input_text may be used to prove a string as stdin
        • *args and **kwargs will be passed directly to the student's function

For a further explanation of how to add tutorial problems, see #15.

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