- Connecting to the server
- The server is running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS, which is very popular so searching for help hsould be possible
- Most of the time you'll connect via SSH
ssh USERNAME@dev.maiachess.com
- Then it's a standard bash/Linux enviroment
- VS code has a very nice system for opening remote directories over ssh
- Python 3
- pandas
- numpy
- sqlalchemy
- with
- with
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- Jupyter notbooks
pip install numpy psycopg2-binary pandas SQLAlchemy matplotlib seaborn jupyter
- Using a local Anaconda install with a virtual env is a bit of work but makes things easier in the long run
- Jupyter
- These lines in the config will allow remote connections, if you assign an open port
jupyter notebook --generate-config
will make the config filejupyter notebook list
will tell you the connection token
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.port = OPEN_PORT
c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'
- Postgres
- The postgres SQL database is running you can connect to it directly with
- Opening a table with pandas is
df = pandas.read_sql_table('summary_per_game_predictions','postgresql:///lichess')
- The postgres SQL database is running you can connect to it directly with
- Git
- Please commit you code regularly and push to a repo on Github
- Meeting notes
- Before meetins having some bullet points in a shared google doc will be helpful.
- Using the same doc every week means we can easily keep track of things
- Please also take notes during the meeting