This package is an aggregation of various useful format functions to use with the FormatLogger from the LoggingExtras package.
Currently, the following functors are available:
: output log events as JSONLogFmt
: output log events formatted as logfmtTruncated
: truncation of log messages
is a function which formats the log message and the log metadata as JSON.
julia> using LoggingFormats, LoggingExtras
julia> with_logger(FormatLogger(LoggingFormats.JSON(), stderr)) do
@info "hello, world"
@error "something is wrong"
{"level":"info","msg":"hello, world","module":"Main","file":"REPL[10]","line":2,"group":"REPL[10]","id":"Main_6972c828","kwargs":{}}
{"level":"error","msg":"something is wrong","module":"Main","file":"REPL[10]","line":3,"group":"REPL[10]","id":"Main_2289c7f9","kwargs":{}}
is a function which formats the log message in the
logfmt format. Example:
julia> using LoggingFormats, LoggingExtras
julia> with_logger(FormatLogger(LoggingFormats.LogFmt(), stderr)) do
@info "hello, world"
@error "something is wrong"
level=info msg="hello, world" module=Main file="REPL[2]" line=2 group="REPL[2]" id=Main_6972c827
level=error msg="something is wrong" module=Main file="REPL[2]" line=3 group="REPL[2]" id=Main_2289c7f8
is a function which formats data in similar manner as ConsoleLogger
but with truncation of string representation when it exceeds max_var_len
This format truncates the length of message itself, and truncates string representation of
individual variables, but does not truncate the size of whole printed text.
See the examples:
julia> using LoggingFormats, LoggingExtras
julia> with_logger(FormatLogger(LoggingFormats.Truncated(30))) do
short_var = "a"^5
long_var = "a"^50
@info "a short message" short_var long_var
@info "a very long message "^20 short_var long_var
┌ Info: a short message
│ short_var = aaaaa
│ long_var = aaaaaaaaaaaa…
└ @ Main REPL[46]:4
┌ Info: a very long message a very lo…
│ short_var = aaaaa
│ long_var = aaaaaaaaaaaa…
└ @ Main REPL[46]:5