Team Moneyline sports betting website that allows users to see the matchups of the day and our predictions on who will win the game. Users also have the ability to create their own matchups as well as use a profit calculator.
Make sure pip3 and python3 are installed on your system
Install ansible:
sudo apt install ansible
sudo pip install ansible
Insert AWS creds into PutNBADataFunction/ and PutNBADataFunction/
In the moneyline directory preform following command which will start a playbook to install requirments, create DynamoDB, insert data, create cronjob to insert data daily:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Create Ubuntu Amazon EC2 instance with security rules allowing inbound http traffic on port 80
ssh into your ec2 instance and preform following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo apt-get install -y nginx
cd /var/www
sudo git clone
sudo bash moneyline/moneyline-app/
- Navigate to your ec2's domain in browser