Kyle Gorman, M. Elizabeth Garza, and Emily Campbell
In this exercise, you will learn about a simple but important NLP task called true-casing or case restoration, which allows one to
- restore missing capitalization in noisy user-generated text as is often found in text messages (SMS) or posts on social media,
- add capitalization to the output of machine translation and speech recognition to make them easier for humans to read, or even
- transfer the "style" of casing from one collection of documents to another.
As part of this exercise, you will build your own case restoration system using Python and command-line tools. As such you will get practice using Python to read and writing text files, and using the command line.
You should have a working familiarity with Python and be comfortable using data structures like lists and dictionaries, calling functions, opening files, importing built-in modules, and reading technical documentation.
You do not need to be familiar with the conditional random field models (Lafferty et al. 2001), one of the technologies we use, but it may be useful to read a bit about this technology before beginning.
The exercise is intended to take several days; at the Graduate Center, master's students in computational linguistics often complete it as a supplemental exercise over winter break, after a semester of experience learning Python. (Hence the name "Winter Camp.")
This tutorial assumes you have access to a UNIX-style command line interface:
- On Windows 10 onward, you access a command line using Windows Subsystem for Linux; the Ubuntu "distro" (distribution) is particularly easy to use.
- On MacOS, you can access the command line interface by opening
It also assumes that you have Python 3.6 or better installed. To test, run
python --version
from the command line, and note the version number that it
prints. If this returns an error, you probably don't have Python installed yet.
One easy way to obtain a current version of Python is to install
Anaconda, a free software package.
Note that if you're using Anaconda from within Windows Subsystem for Linux, you
will want to install the Linux version, not the Windows version.
Nearly all speech and language technologies work by collecting statistics over huge collections of characters and/or words. While handful of words (like the or she) are very frequent, the vast majority of words (like ficus or cephalic) are quite rare. One of the major challenges in speech and language technology is making informed predictions about the linguistic behaviors of rare words.
Many writing systems, including those derived from the Greek, Latin, and Cyrillic alphabets, distinguish between upper- and lower-case words. Such writing systems are said to be bicameral, and those which do not make these distinctions are said to be unicameral. While casing can carry important semantic information (compare bush vs. Bush), this distinction also can introduce further "sparsity" to our data. Or as Church (1995) puts it, do we really need to keep totally separate statistics for hurricane or Hurricane, or can we merge them?
In most cases, speech and language processing systems, including machine translation and speech recognition engines, choose to ignore casing distinctions; they case-fold the data before training. While this is fine for many applications, it is often desirable to restore capitalization information afterwards, particularly if the text will be consumed by humans. Shugrina (2010) reports that users greatly prefer formatted transcripts over "raw" transcripts.
Lita et al. (2003) introduce a task they call "true-casing". They use a simple machine learning model, a hidden Markov model, to predict the capitalization patterns of sentences word by word. They obtain good overall accuracy (well above 90%) when applying this method to English news text.
In this exercise, we will develop a variant of the Lita et al. model, with some small improvements. The exercise is divided into six parts.
True-casing is a structured classification problem, because the casing of one word depends on nearby words. While one could possibly choose to ignore this dependency (as would be necessary with a simple NaĂŻve Bayes or logistic regression classifier), CRFSuite uses a first-order Markov model in which states represent casing tags, and the observations represent tokens. The best sequence of tags for a given sentence are computed using the Viterbi algorithm, which finds the best path by merging paths that share prefixes (e.g. the sequences "NNN" and "NNV" share the prefix "NN"). This merging calculates the probability of that prefix only once, as you can see in the figure below.
Caching the intermediate results of these prefix paths to speed up calculations is an example of dynamic programming. Without this trick, it would take far too long to score every possible path.
Read Lita et al. 2003, the study which introduces the true-casing task. If you encounter unfamiliar jargon, look it up, or ask a colleague or instructor. Here are some questions about the reading intended to promote comprehension. Feel free to get creative, even if you don't end up with the "right" answer.
- The paper lists some examples of when truecasing might be useful (automatic speech recognition, newspaper titles, etc.) Can you think of any other cases where it might be helpful?
- Not all languages' writing systems distinguish between upper and lower-case letters. Are any of the ideas here useful for these languages? For example, the paper notes that "[a]ccents can be viewed as additional surface forms or alternate word casings."
- What case is a number? For example, would you label "42" as uppercase, lowercase, or something else?
- In formula 1 (§2.2.1) label all of the variables (
$P$ ,$\lambda$ , and$w$ ). The authors do not explicitly state what$\lambda_{uniform} P_0$ is; what do you think it means? - In §2.2.2, the authors they describe which features go with each node of the trellis. Which features are included in the trellis? Of these features, which would you predict to be most useful for predicting case? Can you think of any additional features which might be useful to include?
- The authors write that "[t]he trellis can be viewed as a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) computing the state sequence which best explains the observations." What are the states of that HMM? What are the observations? What are the transition probabilities?
- The researchers use a trigram model to predict case. How might the results have been different if they used a bigram or four-gram model?
- §2.3 discusses two possible approaches for dealing with unknown words. What are they? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
- For mixed-case tokens, there is no clear rule on which letters in the word are capitalized. Consider iPhone, LaTeX, JavaScript, and McDonald's. What are some possible approaches to restoring the case of mixed-case tokens?
- What data is this model trained on, and what are the benefits and disadvantages of these datasets?
Obtain English data. Some tokenized English data from the Wall St. Journal (1989-1990) portion of the Penn Treebank is available here. These files cannot be distributed beyond our "research group", so ask Kyle for the password. Alternatively, one can download a year's worth of English data from the WMT News Crawl (2007) by executing the following from the command line.
curl -C - -o "news.2007.gz"
(Note that you can replace the "2007" above with any year from 2007 to 2019.) If
you use the News Crawl data, you will need to tokenize it and split into
training, development, and testing sets to match the format of the Wall
St. Journal data. Therefore, write a Python script that tokenizes the data
(e.g., using
randomly splits the data into training (80%), development (10%), and testing
(10%), and writes the data to separate files (train.tok
, dev.tok
, and
- Install the CRFSuite tagger.
On Mac OS X, the easiest way to install CRFSuite is via Homebrew.
- Install Homebrew, if you have not already, by executing the following command in, and following the on-screen instructions.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Then, to install CRFSuite, execute the following commands.
brew tap brewsci/science brew install crfsuite
On Linux and the Windows Subsystem for Linux, download and install the program by executing the following commands in your system's terminal application.
curl -LO tar -xzf crfsuite-0.12-x86_64.tar.gz sudo mv crfsuite-0.12/bin/crfsuite /usr/local/bin
These three commands download, decompress, and install the program into your path. Note that the last step may prompt you for your user password.
In this step you will train the case-restoration model.
One step during training requires us to tag tokens by their case. For instance,
the sequence He ate a prune wafer.
would be tagged as
prune LOWER
wafer LOWER
. DC
tag refers to title-case, where only the first character is
capitalized, and DC
("don't care") is used for punctuation and digit tokens,
which are neither upper- nor lower-case. Special treatment is required for
mixed-casetokens like LaTeX
. At the token, these are labeled MIXED
, but
additional data is needed to keep track of the character-level patterns. For
instance, we might use the following tags:
To tag tokens and characters, you will use the functions of a provided Python
. If you'd like to go through the exercises
below in a Jupyter notebook or code editor, ensure that
is in your
working directory (i.e., the same directory as your Jupyter notebook), and then
execute import case
before beginning. We will proceed to go function by
def get_cc(nunichar: str) -> CharCase: ...
- What is the argument to
? What is the argument's type? What doesget_cc
return? - What do you obtain when you pass the following strings as arguments to this
? - Which kinds of strings return the object
? - Read the documentation for
, one of the libraries used to implement this function. Why does the argument have to be a single Unicode character?
def get_tc(nunistr: str) -> Tuple[TokenCase, Pattern]: ...
- What is the argument to
? What is the argument's type? What doesget_tc
return? - What do you obtain when you pass the following strings as arguments to this
,"LOL"', and
"LaTeX"`? - What are the types of the first and second objects in the returned tuples?
- Which of the strings above returns a list as the second object in the tuple? What do the elements in that list tell us about the string?
def apply_cc(nunichar: str, cc: CharCase) -> str: ...
- What are the arguments to
? What is their types? What doesapply_cc
return? - Apply
to the following strings:"L"
. What do you obtain? - Repeat the previous step but with
. - Read the tests in
to see how they useapply_cc
def apply_tc(nunistr: str, tc: TokenCase, pattern: Pattern = None) -> str:...
- What are the arguments to
? What are the arguments' types? What doesapply_tc
return? - Apply
to the following strings:"Mary"
,"LOL"', and
"LaTeX"`. What do you obtain?? - Repeat the previous step but with
. - Read the tests in
to see how they useapply_tc
During both training and prediction, the model must be provided with features used to determine the casing pattern for each token. Minimally, these features should include:
- The target token
- The token to the left (or
if the token is sentence-initial) - The token to the right (or
if the token is sentence-final) - The conjunction of #2 and #3.
Optionally, one may also provide features such as:
- The token two to the left (or
) - The token two to the right (or
) - Prefixes and/or suffixes of the target token.
CRFSuite requires feature files for both training and prediction. Each line
consists of a single token's features, separated by a tab (\t
) character, with
a blank line between each sentence. Feature files for training should also
include the tag itself as the first column in the feature. Thus, for the
Nelson Holdings International Ltd. dropped the most on a percentage basis , to 1,000 shares from 255,923 .
the training feature file might look a bit like:
TITLE t[0]=nelson __BOS__ suf1=n suf2=on suf3=son
TITLE t[0]=holdings t[-1]=nelson t[+1]=international t[-1]=nelson^t[+1]=international suf1=s suf2=gs suf3=ngs
TITLE t[0]=international t[-1]=holdings t[+1]=ltd. t[-1]=holdings^t[+1]=ltd. t[-2]=nelson t[+2]=dropped suf1=l suf2=al suf3=nal
TITLE t[0]=ltd. t[-1]=international t[+1]=dropped t[-1]=international^t[+1]=dropped t[-2]=holdings t[+2]=the suf1=. suf2=d. suf3=td.
LOWER t[0]=dropped t[-1]=ltd. t[+1]=the t[-1]=ltd.^t[+1]=the t[-2]=international t[+2]=most suf1=d suf2=ed suf3=ped
LOWER t[0]=the t[-1]=dropped t[+1]=most t[-1]=dropped^t[+1]=most t[-2]=ltd. t[+2]=on suf1=e suf2=he
LOWER t[0]=most t[-1]=the t[+1]=on t[-1]=the^t[+1]=on t[-2]=dropped t[+2]=a suf1=t suf2=st suf3=ost
LOWER t[0]=on t[-1]=most t[+1]=a t[-1]=most^t[+1]=a t[-2]=the t[+2]=percentage suf1=n
LOWER t[0]=a t[-1]=on t[+1]=percentage t[-1]=on^t[+1]=percentage t[-2]=most t[+2]=basis
LOWER t[0]=percentage t[-1]=a t[+1]=basis t[-1]=a^t[+1]=basis t[-2]=on t[+2]=, suf1=e suf2=ge suf3=age
LOWER t[0]=basis t[-1]=percentage t[+1]=, t[-1]=percentage^t[+1]=, t[-2]=a t[+2]=to suf1=s suf2=is suf3=sis
DC t[0]=, t[-1]=basis t[+1]=to t[-1]=basis^t[+1]=to t[-2]=percentage t[+2]=1,000
LOWER t[0]=to t[-1]=, t[+1]=1,000 t[-1]=,^t[+1]=1,000 t[-2]=basis t[+2]=shares suf1=o
DC t[0]=1,000 t[-1]=to t[+1]=shares t[-1]=to^t[+1]=shares t[-2]=, t[+2]=from suf1=0 suf2=00 suf3=000
LOWER t[0]=shares t[-1]=1,000 t[+1]=from t[-1]=1,000^t[+1]=from t[-2]=to t[+2]=255,923 suf1=s suf2=es suf3=res
LOWER t[0]=from t[-1]=shares t[+1]=255,923 t[-1]=shares^t[+1]=255,923 t[-2]=1,000 t[+2]=. suf1=m suf2=om suf3=rom
DC t[0]=255,923 t[-1]=from t[+1]=. t[-1]=from^t[+1]=. suf1=3 suf2=23 suf3=923
DC t[0]=. __EOS__
and for prediction, one would simply omit the first column.
Write a function which, given a sentence, extracts a list of list of features for that sentence. It might have the following signature:
def extract(tokens: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]: ...
Then, write a script which uses this function to generate a feature file. To
make this work, you will want to first split each sentence into tokens, call
to obtain the features, then, for each token, print the tag and the
features, separated by tab. Remember to also print a blank line between each
- If you get stuck, you may want to "peek" at
, which contains a draft of the feature extractor function itself. - CRFSuite follows a convention whereby a
in a feature is interpreted as a feature weight. Therefore we suggest that you replace:
in any token with another character such as_
. If this is done consistently for all feature files, this is extremely unlikely to result in a loss of information.
Mixed-case tokens like McDonald's
and LaTeX
all have different mixed-case
patterns. It is not enough to know that they are mixed: one also has to know
which mixed-case pattern they follow. One can make a simplifying assumption
that few if any mixed-case tokens vary in which mixed-case pattern they follow
(or that such variation is mostly erroneous), and therefore one simply needs to
store a table with the most-common pattern for each mixed-case token, which is
used to produce the proper form of a token tagged as mixed-case. This table is
computed in two steps.
- First, count the frequency of each mixed-case pattern for each token.
- Then, select only the most frequent mixed-case pattern for each token.
For step #1, we use a dictionary whose keys are case-folded strings whose
values are
objects containing the mixed-case form. For instance, this might resemble the
{'iphone' : Counter{'iPhone': 11, 'IPhone': 5, 'iphone': 3}, ...}
Then, for step #2, we create a simpler dictionary which contains just the most frequent mixed-case pattern as the value, like the following:
{'iphone': 'iPhone', ...}
Write code which reads a tokenized file, constructs the second dictionary, and
then writes it to disk as a JSON
file using
. You may wish to
combine this with the code you wrote in the previous step.
- If you get stuck, you may want to carefully read the documentation for
, particularly the provided examples. - You will need to create an empty dictionary before looping over the data. This may look something like the following.
mcdict = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
Then, inside the loop(s), you can add a count to the dictionary as in the following snippet.
mcdict[token.casefold()][token] += 1
- If you are working with very large data sets, you may want to slightly modifystep #2 to exclude tokens that occur in mixed-case very infrequently (e.g., less than twice) on the hypothesis that such tokens are typographical errors.
You are now almost ready to train the model itself. To do this you will need
- a feature file (including tags)
for training datatrain.tok
, and - a feature file (including tags)
for development datadev.tok
which can be created using the extract
function described above.
At the command line, issue the following command to train the CRF model:
crfsuite learn \
-p feature.possible_states=1 \
-p feature.possible_transitions=1 \
-m model \
-e2 train.features dev.features
This will train the model and write the result (in a non-human-readable format)
to the file model
; training may take up to several minutes.
To predict, or restore case to the tokens in test.tok
using the model you
trained in Part 3, complete the following steps.
- Extract features from
and write them totest.features
. This file should not include case tags. - At the command line, issue the following command to apply the model you trained in Part 3:
crfsuite tag -m model test.features > test.predictions
- Using the predicted tags in
, the mixed-cased dictionary,
functions, apply casing to case-folded tokens intest.tok
, and then write these restored-case tokens to a file formatted similarly totest.tok
, with one sentence per line and space between each token.
So, how good is your true-caser? There are many ways we can imagine measuring this. One could ask humans to rate the quality of the output casing, and one might even want to take into account how often two humans agree about whether a word should or should not be capitalized. However a simpler evaluation (and one which does not require humans "in the loop") is to compute token-level accuracy. Accuracy can be thoguht of as the probability that a randomly selected token will receive the correct casing.
While it is possible to compute accuracy directly on the tags produced by
, this has the risk of slightly underestimating the actual accuracy.
For instance, if the system tags a punctuation character as UPPER
, this seems
wrong, but it is harmless; punctuation tokens are inherently case-less and it
doesn't matter what kind of tag it receives. When multiple predictions all give
the right "downstream" answer, the model is said to exhibit spurious
ambiguity; a good evaluation method should not penalize spurious ambiguity. In
this case, one can avoid spurious ambiguity by evaluating not on the tags but on
the tokenized data, after it has been converted back to that format.
Write a script called
. It should take two command-line arguments:
the path to the original "gold" tokenized and cased data, and the path to the
predicted data from the previous step. It should first initialize two counters,
one for the number of correctly cased tokens, and one for the total number of
tokens. Then, iterating over the two files, count the number of correctly cased
tokens, the number of overall tokens. To compute accuracy, it should divide the
former by the latter, round to 3-6 digits, and print the result.
- Your evaluation script should not read both files all at once, which
will not work for very large files. Rather it should process the data line
by line. For instance, if the gold data file handle is
and the predicted data file handle ispred
, part of your script might resemble the following.
for (gold_line, pred_line) in zip(gold, pred):
gold_tokens = gold_line.split()
pred_tokens = pred_line.split()
assert len(gold_tokens) == len(pred_tokens), "Mismatched lengths"
for (gold_token, pred_token) in zip(gold_tokens, pred_tokens):
Style transfer refers to the use of machine learning to apply the "style" of a reference medium (e.g., texts, images, or videos) to to some other resource of the same type. For instance, in computer vision, researchers have used this technique to transfer the styles of Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet onto a painting of da Vinci. In this section, you will use the true-casing model to transfer the "casing style" from some novel corpus to the data you used above.
Obtain a reference corpus. A pre-tokenized corpus of tweets by @realDonaldTrump is available here. Alternatively, one can obtain data from some other source, such as the social media accounts of other famous personages (e.g., @dril, @FINALLEVEL), and then tokenize the data as described in Part 2.
Using the data from the previous step, training a casing model as in Part 3.
Using the model from the previous step, apply this model to the test data from Part 2 as in Part 4.
Compare, manually or automatically, the predictions of the style-transfer model to those of the in-domain model. How do they differ?
Other interesting work on case-restoration includes Chelba & Acero 2006 and Wang et al. 2006.
- Above, the act of training the model and casing data required several commands. It may be more convenient to combine the steps into two programs,
a "trainer" which converting tokenized data to two-column format and invokes
crfsuite learn
on it, and -
a "predictor" which converts tokenized data to one-column format, invokes
crfsuite tag
, and then converts it back to tokenized format.The obvious way to do this is to write two Python scripts which, as part of their process, call shell commands using the built-in
module. In particular, usesubprocess.check_call
, which executes a shell command and raises an error if it fails, orsubprocess.popen
, which has a similar syntax but also captures the output of the command. Since both these scripts must generate temporary files (i.e., the data in one- or two-column format) you may want to use the built-intempfile
module, and in particulartempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
. Since these scripts will need to take various arguments (paths to input and output files, as well as the model order hyperparameters), use the built-inargparse
module to parse command-line flags.
Convert your implementation to a Python package which can be installed using
. If you are also doing stretch goal #1, you may want to make the trainer and the predictor separate "console scripts". Make sure to fail gracefully if the user doesn't already havecrfsuite
installed. Alternatively, you can build your package around thepython-crfsuite
package, available frompip
, which exposes the CRFSuite internals directly to Python, without the need to call thecrfsuite
binary. -
Train and evaluate a model on a language other than English (though make sure the writing system makes case distinctions---not all do); even French and German both have rather different casing rules.
Train, evaluate, and distribute a gigantic case restoration model using a megacorpus such as
the Billion Word Benchmark, or
multiple years of the WMT news crawl data.
To prevent the number of features from swamping your training, you may wish to use
-p feature.minfreq=
when training. For instance, if you callcrfsuite learn -p feature.minfreq=10 ...
, then any feature occurring less than 10 times in the training data will be ignored.
Above we provided a relatively simple feature extraction function. Would different features do better? Add, remove, or combine features, retrain your model, and compare the results the provided feature function.
Alternatively, you can try a different type of model altogether using the
library, which provides a fast C++-based backend for training linear sequence models with the perceptron learning algorithm. Install Perceptronix, then
and theperceptronix.SparseDenseMultinomialSequentialModel
class, build a discriminative case restoration engine and compare the results to the CRF model. -
Section 2.3 of Lita et al. proposes an alternative method for handling rare words. Re-read that section and implement their proposal, then compare it to your earlier implementation.
Chelba, C. and Acero, A. 2006. Adaptation of maximum entropy capitalizer: little data can help a lot. Computer Speech and Language 20(4): 382-39.
Church, K. W. 1995. One term or two? In Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 310-318.
Lafferty, J., McCallum, A., and Pereira, F. 2001. Conditional random fields: probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 282-289.
Lita, L. V., Ittycheriah, A., Roukos, S. and Kambhatla, N. 2003. tRuEcasIng. In Prooceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 152-159.
Shugrina, M. 2010. Formatting time-aligned ASR transcripts for readability. In Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 198-206.
Wang, W., Knight, K., and Marcu, D. 206. Capitalizing machine translation. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Main Conference, pages 1-8.