Utility for running backups of Nectar VMs using the nova command line client.
Install extra packages from epel:
sudo yum -y install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
sudo yum -y install python-novaclient python-iso8601
Install redis:
wget http://redis.googlecode.com/files/redis-2.6.12.tar.gz
sudo tar xzf redis-2.6.12.tar.gz -C /opt/
cd /opt/redis-2.6.12
sudo make
Install fabric:
sudo yum -y install gcc python-devel
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install fabric
Install celery:
sudo pip install -U Celery
sudo pip install -U celery-with-redis
Create the file credentials.py
and define Nova credentials (see the variables NOVA_*
in novabackup.py
Start redis:
Start the celery worker:
celery -A novabackup worker --loglevel=debug --no-color -n novabackup --concurrency 100
Run the main backup script:
python run_backups.py
This script prints a list of job IDs and VM names, e.g.
c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da carlo_thrash_01
9252d10f-1a96-4860-ae8f-ddf3b12a72a8 carlo_um_002
ccdda9d4-061f-418e-8558-cb9d39181d58 carlo_cvl_test_003
Check the active jobs:
./print_active_jobs.py | grep novabackup
For example:
$ ./print_active_jobs.py | grep novabackup
c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da novabackup.BackupVM
9252d10f-1a96-4860-ae8f-ddf3b12a72a8 novabackup.BackupVM
ccdda9d4-061f-418e-8558-cb9d39181d58 novabackup.BackupVM
Inspect a backup job using its ID:
$ ./print_task_info.py c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da
id: c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da
result: {'info': u'waiting for image 7a30f13e-cd36-4d90-9f3d-0846154000c2 which is 25% complete', 'params': (u'carlo_thrash_01',)}
status: PROGRESS
traceback: None
$ ./print_task_info.py c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da
id: c60341f5-f97a-4c12-9a2e-f7b993e2b6da
result: (u'carlo_thrash_01',)
status: SUCCESS
traceback: None
If a job fails, the traceback
will have useful debug info.
Start backups and save job IDs:
now=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M`
python run_backups.py &> run_backups_${now}.log
Show status of each job:
cat run_backups_${now}.log | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs -n 1 ./print_task_info.py