Avia HX711 Based Weight Scale Examples with Espressif ESP32, Arduino, and Bluetooth Low Energy Interfacing
Project Team: Chi Yang "Jonathan" Lim, Yan Jie "Richard" Xu, Josefina Zinkewich, Hamed Ghafarshad, and Sean Santarsiero
Project Manager: Michael J. Klopfer, PhD and Prof. G.P. Li
University of California, Irvine (Calit2)
(C) 2017 Copyright of the Regents of California and released into the public domain. Code subcomponents are used with fair use and are copyright of their individual authors.
This is a demonstration of a load cell based "Kitchen Scale" using a Bluetooth Low Energy link to an Android application running on a tablet. This application is based on the Avia HX711 Load cell amplifier IC using a modified library with median filtering (included - https://github.com/CalPlug/Espressif_ESP32-Scale/tree/master/libraries/Hx711EXT). The application was developed using the Arduuio IDE. The connected Android applicaion provides display of weight, tare, and 2-point calibration functions. All ESP32 and Android code is available in this reposititory.
The video of this demonstration is available here: https://youtu.be/O3rAx-gd5ao
If you do use any of this code for your own applications, please give the authors credit!