Real name is Alexander | 18 | Sweden
Passionate Developer | Golang Enthusiast
I taught myself how to program in Python when I was 12 years old since I wanted to find something productive to do and programming hit the spot since I've always been curious, inquisitive, and omnivorous.
Currently navigating the student life, I'm actively seeking opportunities to hone my skills and contribute to exciting projects. In the meantime, I'm flexing my freelance muscles and diving deep into the world of Golang.
var interests = []string{
"Self-hosting & Networking",
"IT & Server Administration",
"Fullstack Development (Backend Focus)",
"Wails App Development",
"Data Science & Web Scraping",
"High-Performance Scripting",
Feel free to reach out for collaborations or discussions on anything
- π§ Email:
Usernames I go by on different platforms; CaptainFallaway, TheFallaway, capnroot