This mod for the HBS BattleTech provides a more punishing withdrawal experience. In the vanilla game, you click the withdrawal button and you are magically whisked away without so much as a scratch on your paint job. MechWarrior veterans know this is never case; a hot pickup is a dangerous affair that leaves everyone a bit banged up!
- Heavy Wing: 1-2 turn pickup. 80% Leopard damage. 100,000 maintenance.
- Medium Wing: 2-3 turn pickup. 40% Leopard damage. 70,000 maintenance.
- Light Wing: 3-4 turn pickup. 20% Leopard damage. 30,000 maintenance.
- No Aerospace: 4-5 turn pickup. 100% Leopard damage. 0 maintenance.
Delayed withdrawal; from 2-6 turns when you click the withdrawal button before you are picked up
Damage expenses - you have to pay for dropship repairs. Total enemy damage for 2 turns is calculated and applied. You have to pay the repair bill.
Monthly expenses - pay for aerospace support to have quicker pickups
Should the wings suffer damage in some cases (extra expenses)?
Compare damage vs Leopard armor for a total wipe scenario?
Show projected damage amount to player in the confirm dialog
Allow immediate withdrawal if enemydamage 0 and closest enemy == 1000m?