Cadastral and Geodesic Engineer, MSc in Geosciences and Environment at São Paulo State University (UNESP), engineer with academic and professional experience in hydric, energetic and natural resources in the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS-Colombia), The Laboratório de Recursos Hídricos e Isótopos Ambientais (LARHIA-Brazil) and The Centro de Estudos Ambientais (CEA-Brazil). In these research centers, I researched the following topics:
- Evaluation and simulation the availability of reservoir water in hydroelectric power plants in relation to Stored Energy (EAR), Natural Inflow Energy (ENA), Useful Volume and Power Generation, using machine learning and deep learning algorithms such as: Neural Network Auto Regression (NNAR), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and ResCNN Neural Networks.
- Monitoring water resources, surface water, precipitation and rainfall time series, hidrology data, water balance and groundwater using satellite imagery provided by Google Earth Engine and Javascript.
- Investigated on Colombia and Brazil extreme natural phenomena, such as droughts and dry spells, using the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI), The Standard Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), identifying spatial and temporal correlations with hydrological terms such as water scarcity, water stress, water availability and environmental risk by drought.
- Evaluation of RCP 4.5 climate projections in precipitation, temperature and potential evapotranspiration using data from the CCma-CanESM2, MOHC-HadGEM2-ES and MIROC-MIROC5 Global Climate Models (GCM), using multidimensional raster data in ArcGIS Pro and Python.
In my professional career, I have solid experience in the acquisition and geoprocessing of geospatial data obtained using satellite imagery, aerial photography, drone, radar, etc., allowing me to offer a broad portfolio of useful solutions for spatial and temporal analysis, data management and decision-making, using Python | ArcGIS API for Python| Google Earth Engine (GEE) | Javascript | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |R - Rstudio | HTML and C++.
🔭 I’m currently working on the application of models and forecasts using GIS in hidrological resources and energy
🌱 I’m currently learning TensorFlow, Pytorch and Keras
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on in projects related to earth sciences, environment, climate change using GIS
🤝 I’m looking for help with optimization of machine learning and big data algorithms.
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💬 Ask me about Climate change models
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⚡ Fun fact I think I'm fun conversing in foreign languages, I love them.