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This project illustrates the use an algorithm (Network Bound Resource) for providing data to an app by either retrieving sufficiently recent data from a local cache, or loading the latest data from the network.

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A relatively small and simple application that consumes this api which contains a list of candies and their prices. I built this demo following the MVVM architecture, Kotlin Flows, (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, viewmodel, Room and Kotlin coroutines.

Network-Bound-Resource algorithm

  • The network bound resource is an algorithm that provides an easy function to fetch resource from both the database and the network. Depending on your needs, you can either :
    • Make a network request when there's no data in your cache.

    • Display data from your cache when there's no internet.

    • Display data from your cache as placeholder instead of a loading screen as you fetch fresh data from the internet.

You can easily achieve the above use cases using this algorithm, by making just a few adjustments. It works well with the Android architecture component.


  • When the app is first launched.Device has internet connection. Makes a network call and caches the data in the device.

  • When device is launched the second time. . Device has internet connection.

  • When the device does not have an internet connection. But there's data in cache.

  • When your logic requires the app re-do the network request, even though you have data already cached in the db. The data cached is displayed as a placeholder, while data is being loaded.


  • Tech-stack

    • Kotlin - a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference.
    • Coroutines - perform background operations.
    • Flow - handle the stream of data asynchronously that executes sequentially.
    • Dagger hilt - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework.
    • Jetpack
      • Room - a persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite.
      • LiveData - is an observable data holder.
      • Lifecycle - perform action when lifecycle state changes.
      • ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way.
  • Architecture

    • Clean Architecture
    • MVVM - Model View View Model `
  • Gradle

    • Plugins
      • Ktlint - creates convenient tasks in your Gradle project that run ktlint checks or do code auto format.
      • Detekt - a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language.
      • Spotless - format java, groovy, markdown and license headers using gradle.
      • Dokka - a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as javadoc for Java.
      • jacoco - a Code Coverage Library


Network Bound Resource

inline fun <ResultType, RequestType> networkBoundResource(
    crossinline query: () -> Flow<ResultType>,
    crossinline fetch: suspend () -> RequestType,
    crossinline saveFetchResult: suspend (RequestType) -> Unit,
    crossinline shouldFetch: (ResultType) -> Boolean = { true }
) = flow {

    //First step, fetch data from the local cache
    val data = query().first()

    //If shouldFetch returns true,
    val resource = if (shouldFetch(data)) {

        //Dispatch a message to the UI that you're doing some background work

        try {

            //make a networking call
            val resultType = fetch()

            //save it to the database

            //Now fetch data again from the database and Dispatch it to the UI
            query().map { Resource.Success(it) }

        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {

            //Dispatch any error emitted to the UI, plus data emmited from the Database
            query().map { Resource.Error(throwable, it) }


        //If should fetch returned false
    } else {
        //Make a query to the database and Dispatch it to the UI.
        query().map { Resource.Success(it) }

    //Emit the resource variable


This is a generic function

  • This is a generic function and that means it can work with any type of data,
  • ResultType is the data type loaded the local cache. Can be any thing, a list or any object.
  • RequestType is the data type loaded from the network. Can be any thing, a list or any object.


  • This function takes in four argument parameters which are functions.


  • This is a function that loads data from your local cache and returns a flow of your specified data type
  • This function returns a Flow of ResultType.


  • This is a suspend function, that loads data from your rest api and returns an object of
  • This function returns RequestType.


  • THis is a function that just takes in (The data type got from the network) and saves it in the local cache.
  • This function returns Unit.


  • This is a function returns a Boolean.
  • pass in a function that has the logic to whether the algorithm should make a networking call or not.
  • In this case, this function takes in data loaded from @param query and determines whether to make a networking call or not. This can vary with your implementation however, say fetch depending on the last time you made a networking call....e.t.c.

The repository

class MainRepository @Inject constructor(
    private val database: Appdatabase,
    private val apiService : ApiService,
) {

    private val weatherDao = database.charactersDao()

    fun getCandys() = networkBoundResource(
        // pass in the logic to query data from the database
        query = {
        // pass in the logic to fetch data from the api
        fetch = {
            //This is to show a progress bar

        //pass in the logic to save the result to the local cache
        saveFetchResult = { candys ->
            database.withTransaction {

        //pass in the logic to determine if the networking call should be made
        shouldFetch = {candys ->

I hope you loved this


This project illustrates the use an algorithm (Network Bound Resource) for providing data to an app by either retrieving sufficiently recent data from a local cache, or loading the latest data from the network.







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