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/* Smark Users Guide */

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/* Sequence Charts */

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/* Table of Contents */

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/* ================ Smark-specific classes ================ */

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|| Floats affect text flow but not block boundaries, so graphics in a DIV 
|| would overlap floats if not for "clear: both"
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/* ASCII Art */

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/* Sequence Charts */

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/* Table of Contents */

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/* ================ Print ================ */

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</style><title>General Setup Instructions:</title>
<div class="smarkdoc"><div id="header">Hexagon SDK 3.4.3</div><div id="sidebar"><top><img src="images/sidebar_top.jpg"></top><script src="scripts/post.js" type="text/javascript"></script><form class="search" id="searchForm"><input id="searchquery" name="q" onkeydown="postFunctionKeydown(event, false)"><input id="searchButton" onclick="postFunction(false)" type="button" value="Search"></form><p>
<a href="index.html">Quick start</a>
<a href="feature_matrix.html">Feature Matrix</a>
<a href="hexagon_architecture.html">Hexagon Architecture</a>
<a href="images/Hexagon_Document_Bundle.pdf#page=2881">Hexagon Compiler/Linker</a>
<a href="hexagon_libraries.html">Hexagon Standard Libraries</a>
<a href="images/80-VB419-178_QuRT_User_Guide.pdf">Hexagon RTOS</a>
<a href="images/80-VB419-108_Hexagon_DSP_User_Guide.pdf">Hexagon DSP Programming</a>
<a name="Platforms"></a>Platforms
<a href="Platforms_HLOS.html">HLOS</a>
<a href="Platforms_Simulator.html">Simulator</a>
<a href="Platforms_Target.html">Target</a>
<a name="Environments"></a>Environments
<a href="Environments_Build%20System.html">Build System</a>
<a href="Environments_Build%20System%20Porting.html">Build System Porting</a>
<a href="Environments_Hexagon%20IDE.html">Hexagon IDE</a>
<a name="ArchitectureOverview"></a>ArchitectureOverview
<a href="HVX/ArchitectureOverview.html">HVX</a>
<a name="Applications"></a>Applications
<a href="Audio/Applications.html">Audio</a>
<a href="Camera%20streaming/Applications.html">Camera streaming</a>
<a href="Applications_Compute%20offload.html">Compute offload</a>
<a href="FastCV/Applications_Computer%20Vision.html">Computer Vision</a>
<a href="Neural%20Networks/Applications.html">Neural Networks</a>
<a href="Voice/Applications.html">Voice</a>
<a name="APIs"></a>APIs
<a href="APIs_Async%20Message%20Queue.html">Async Message Queue</a>
<a href="APIs_DSP%20Clk%20&amp;%20Rsrc%20Mgmt.html">DSP Clk &amp; Rsrc Mgmt</a>
<a href="APIs_Dynamic%20Loading.html">Dynamic Loading</a>
<a href="APIs_FastRPC.html">FastRPC</a>
<a name="Examples"></a>Examples
<a href="Audio/Examples.html">Audio</a>
<a href="Camera%20streaming/Examples.html">Camera streaming</a>
<a href="Examples_Common.html">Common</a>
<a href="Examples_ComputeHVX.html">ComputeHVX</a>
<a href="Examples_GeneralOverview.html">GeneralOverview</a>
<a href="Neural%20Networks/Examples.html">Neural Networks</a>
<a name="Testing"></a>Testing
<a href="CAPIv2/Testing_CAPIv2%20Unit%20Tests.html">CAPIv2 Unit Tests</a>
<a href="Testing_Eclipse%20Unit%20Tests.html">Eclipse Unit Tests</a>
<a name="Debugging"></a>Debugging
<a href="Debugging_Connect%20to%20Device.html">Connect to Device</a>
<a href="Debugging_Exceptions.html">Exceptions</a>
<a href="Debugging_Message%20Logging.html">Message Logging</a>
<a href="Debugging_Simulator.html">Simulator</a>
<a href="Debugging_Target.html">Target</a>
<a name="Tools"></a>Tools
<a href="Tools_Hexagon%20Tools%208.3.html">Hexagon Tools 8.3</a>
<a href="Tools_IDL%20Compiler.html">IDL Compiler</a>
<a href="Tools_On%20Target%20Profiling.html">On Target Profiling</a>
<a href="Tools_Scripts.html">Scripts</a>
<a href="Tools_Signing.html">Signing</a>
<a href="Tools_UserGuides.html">UserGuides</a>
<a href="Tools_Utilities.html">Utilities</a>
<a name="FAQ"></a>FAQ
<a href="FAQ_Common.html">Common</a>
<a href="FAQ_Dynamic%20Loading.html">Dynamic Loading</a>
<a href="FAQ_FastRPC.html">FastRPC</a>
<a href="FAQ_Hexagon%20IDE.html">Hexagon IDE</a>
<a name="Dependencies"></a>Dependencies
<a href="Dependencies_Common.html">Common</a>
<a name="Release%20Notes"></a>Release Notes
<a href="Release%20Notes_Common.html">Common</a>
<a name="Support"></a>Support
<a href="Support_Contact.html">Contact</a>
</p><center><img src="images/sidebar_bot.jpg"></center></div><div id="content"><a name="_top_" style="display:block;"></a><h1>
<a name="General%20Setup%20Instructions:"></a>General Setup Instructions:
<a name="Setup%20environment%20for%20Windows%20Candidate:"></a>Setup environment for Windows Candidate:
To setup sdk environment for windows candidate, you are required to execute the below command from your Hexagon SDK's root directory.
This script will set environment variables pointing to the tools and utilities required by the Hexagon SDK. If some of the tools are missing or the environment is already setup, the script will generate some warnings.
<a name="Setup%20environment%20for%20Linux%20Candidate:"></a>Setup environment for Linux Candidate:
To setup sdk environment for Linux candidate, before executing the below command from your Hexagon SDK's root directory, you have to switch to bash shell. To switch from any unknown shell to bash shell in Linux, you just have to type bash and then press enter in the terminal. This is required because the setup script works in the bash environment.
</p><pre>source setup_sdk_env.source
</pre><div class="indent"><p>
</p></div><pre>. setup_sdk_env.source
This script will set environment variables pointing to the tools and utilities required by the Hexagon SDK. If some of the tools are missing or the environment is already setup, the script will generate some warnings.
Note: The system path and tool changes are made locally only for the current shell or terminal and there is no effect on the global variables.
</p><p align="center" style="display:block;padding-top: 50px;">
  Copyright &#169; 2018 Qualcomm Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.

</p><a style="display:block;padding-bottom: 700px;"></a></div></div>


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