A simple analytics tool that stores and visualises generic data. Built with express for the API and lowdb as 'database'. Also provides a clean and simple webpage for visualisation, see screenshot.
You can run this either using the docker image (casperverswijvelt/report-anything:latest), or run this using node directly.
Log data to the database using this call. Static data is data that does not change for a given reported instance, e.g. brand and model name of a smartphone. Dynamic data, well, does change, e.g. application version, language, OS version.
As key/value pairs you can have properties that can have just a single value (see "language" in example below), or properties that can have multiple values (see "tiles" in example below). Each individual property will result in a bar chart on the webpage.
Minimal required data:
"static": {
"uuid": "<unique identifier for the reported instance>"
"static" {
"uuid": "a3b0bfeb-c651-4cb8-919f-ebab02f5089b",
"brand": "Google",
"Model": "Pixel 6"
"dynamic": {
"version": "v2.4.0",
"sdkLevel": 33,
"language": "en",
"tiles": {
"internet": false,
"wifi": true,
"data": true,
"nfc": false
Example: /api/reports
If no since
value is given, this will default to 3 days back in time
Example: /api/reports?since=1663433787890
Example response:
"Redfin 64-bit only":2,
"Pixel 6":2,
"Pixel 5":2,
"tiles": {
"internet": 6,
"data": 5,
"nfc": 4,
"wifi": 8