Manage your PBI env VIA Powershell Script
Based on the following project:
Please make sure that you fill in the $clientId pramater within the script.
Install PowerShell ( and the Azure PowerShell cmdlets (
Fill in the parameters below
Run the PowerShell script
Please make sure that you fill in the $clientId pramater.
To set it up, go to the following page and follow the steps to provision an app
To get the sample to work, ensure that you have the following fields:
App Type: Native app
Redirect URL: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Level of access: all dataset APIs
List Groups - Lists all groups (App Workspaces)
List Reports - List all reports or per specifc group
List Datasets - List all datasets or per specifc group
Clone Single Report - Clones a selected report
Clone All App Reports - Clones all the reports in an app workspace for a selected dataset
Delete Report - Deletes a report
Rebind Report - Rebinds a report to a different datasource
Rebind Dataset - Changes a dataset's connection string
Get Dashboards - Lists dashboards
Get Tiles - Lists dashboard tiles